Updated the campaigns with the new content:
Priest of Razmir and Tavern Keep added to NPCs
Nylarathotep and Mountains of Madness to Cthulhu Mythos
Also added Sewer and Nylarathotep to Present-Day City, as somehow gamers always end up in the Sewer eventually (and sewers are fairly consistent across time for most sounds) and Nylarathotep has some great “abandoned underground tunnel” sounds to it. Added the 2017 Car Chase too.
Did a few other tweaks in a couple other places, I’m pretty sure.
I also did a new campaign, Old-Timey Things. https://syrinscape.com/account/campaigns/6919-b9f6debe55/
With the influx of Cthulhu and Cthulhu-inspired sets, there are enough sets now that are not modern, but also not fantasy-medieval. These include Cthulhu Rockport I & II, 1920s Car Chase, Steam Train to Salem, Mountains of Madness (dog sledding, snow shoeing), Sea Monsters (for ship sounds), Cthulhu Rises (ditto), and Beach Cove (fairly universal - ship’s horns haven’t changed a great deal).