Hey team, my first session feedback. First I must say, this is productive and helpful feedback - Syrinscape is an amazing product, but I think we can make it better, especially for Improv use.
So I found a soundset that seemed to match my scene, but I had to turn on/off specific events that didn’t fit (train, rain, water, wrong creature, etc), and find others from other soundsets, and at one point, I had sounds playing from 3 or 4 different soundsets to create what I actually wanted (and that still felt short).
Doing this improv, was difficult and distracting from my game flow and acting.
I discovered during the 4 hours session, that I wished for a better way to separate music from ambience. I also found myself being able to easily lessen or increase the rate at which creatures made their noises. Battle can take a many hours, so players get to the point where they were like “can you shut up that monster, or horn, or whatever”. Yeah, I know, click the button and it stops, but not so easy when I have sounds playing from several different soundsets.
With that said, I didn’t feel like I had the right improv controls to do prover improv.
I think I would like to have separate Music and Ambience sections and searches for each. Those searches shouldn’t cross over to each other, so if I search for music and type in jungle, I am not going to get a whole list of jungle moods and sounds (birds, snakes, etc) in the search result. Music is subjective - my Ogre battle could be in a jungle, where yours is in the North Pole or starship. I want Jungle bongo music, dammit!
I think we need to have a separate panel that displays all the events that we have playing currently, no matter what soundset they are playing from. So I could have 15 different sounds playing from 8 different soundsets, but I see them all in one place, to control and adjust as needed. I think this panel could have more of an improv interface, to do something like below:
I want to have a control to change the rate at which repeating an event occurs, and it should be right there in our faces. I might not want that Ogre growling every 4 seconds, during a 3 hour battle. Last night, I had so many people complaining about the repeating creatures, horns, flapping, because they were happing too frequently. It would be nice to have a little slider next to the button, to quickly change that rate of occurrence. I slide the slider a little, and now those Ogres are growling once every 5 minutes instead of every 3 seconds. Annoyed players happy again.
And one last thing that I would like to suggest while I am here (off topic), is a better way for us to make our own soundsets from existing ones (yours). The process of having to copy it first to another campaign and blah blah blah, is painful. Instead, we should be able to pull up an existing soundset, adjust things, like volume and rates, and simply hit a save button, where it then asks you where we want to save this preset. Much easier than the current method which is very confusing.
Thanks for listening, and keep up the great work!