Category Topics

SoundSet Suggestions

Looking for a particular soundset, need a certain monster for your game or just have a great suggestion for a soundset that you would like to share then post them in here. With over 70,000 sounds already chances are that we already have something that sounds close to what you need!


Got questions about the web site or apps? Or think you have found a bug? Read & post here. NOTE: If you need a quick response or something is not working, contact Support directly on and we will be able to help you in a more timely manner.

Online Player Public Beta

This is it. The Online Player is open for Public Beta!!!


If you would like to see a feature added to Syrinscape or to the Syrinscape SoundSet Creator then create a new topic here. At the top of the category we will start a pinned thread listing each of the ideas, if you see a feature that you like then click the little heart! The more votes a suggestion gets the more likely it is to happen.

General Chat

Put everything in general here! Want to tell us a long-winded description of your favourite character, excited about a new movie you want to tell the community about? Or have you had a fantastic idea for a homebrew campaign? Let us know.


This is a place for important (and sometimes unimportant) news about Syrinscape.

SoundSet Creator

SoundSet creators can gather here to discuss the creator, the best techniques, tips, tricks, or ideas and if you have made a Soundset that you want to share with the community then be sure to let us and the community know about it!

FAQ (Frequently asked questions)

We are moving our website FAQ here.

Community Content

Have you built content using the Syrinscape Soundset Creator that you want to share with the community or perhaps you are an esteemed bard willing to share your musical talents. If the answer is yes then this is the category that you want for sharing your work!

Pro Tips

In this section you can read several topics written by ourselves and the community which we hope will help you to get the most from Syrinscape.

Podcasts & Streaming

Are you a pod/vodcaster wanting to find out the exciting things like "Terms of Use & Licencing"? Looking to download some of our great artwork to use as part of your shows? This is the place to talk to other pod/vodcasters and the Syrinscape community about how best to use Syrinscape and a place to advertise what your shows all about. It's also a great place to find out which pod/vodcasts are using Syrinscape if you are looking for some great shows to watch!


Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.