[Web Player/Search Panel/Master Interface] You search the dark recesses of your memory and it sounds like a lovely Forest

Syrinscape has gone on a mystical journey through a Forest to improve its memory.

Web Player:

  • Improve Stop All button so that it is enabled more of the times that it should be, since it could forget things are playing without an Online Player telling it so. :stop_button:
  • Set the Global Volume and OneShot Volume sliders to the appropriate volume on initial page load. The sliders used to forget the current volumes, but the Web Player would not, so Web Player would sound like it did in the previous session, but the sliders are reset to defaults. Confusing for sure! :level_slider:
  • Updated the Forest reverb preset. Now sounds extra Foresty. :evergreen_tree:

Search Panel:

  • Update Playing Now search tag to return results for directly played Sound Samples. Also improve the search engine’s memory, so Elements started some time ago should still appear, assuming they are still playing. :mag:

Master Interface:

  • Remove Online Player version number from just above the SoundSet artwork. As far as we can tell, this was never really serving any purpose other than to take up space. :stars:
  • Should no longer unexpectedly log you out on page refresh, if it has been two weeks since you logged in. :door:

Thank you for reading until the end. :slightly_smiling_face: