So, a little bit of a Self-Plug, but I’ve just released a new version of the DOE: Sound which integrates Syrinscape into the Fantasy Grounds VTT. This is a pretty major update so I thought I’d highlight a couple of the new features here.
But before anyone says it, yes, you can do a lot of what I’ve done from inside Syrinscape itself - here’s another way to do things, especially if you’re an FG-user more than a “pure” Syrinscape-user (but hey, why not be both ).
So, this has quite a few new features, including Multi-Trigger ChatSounds (have a sound play automatically when a given set of characters appear in the ChatBox), the use of Magic Characters in Chatsound Triggers, the ability to give a Delay to a Sound, Chatsound and Autosound, and also the ability to Chain-Sounds together so that one will trigger another.
For everybody’s interest I’ve included a screen-shot of a ChatSound Record which is the start of a 7-sound Sound-Chain (also shown). I’m also trying to work out how to included (as an mp3 file) an audio capture of the Sound-Chain in action. I’ve called in Wilhelm Tell - if you know the legend of William Tell you’ll get the joke. So picture the Baron’s men, poor Wilhelm standing against the tree with an apple on his head, the villagers gathered around, and Wilhelm’s father drawing back his bow…