Syrinscape Master/Minion Combo Update

Please sign me up for this beta!

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If it didn’t become clear already, I would like to participate in the beta. We have a session this Sunday so the timings great too.

Ps. I have large axe that’s great at breaking stuff…especially stuff made out of 0’s and 1’s.

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Aaaaaaaaaalmost there!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

You are SUCH a tease!

Wait!! It IS Friday now in some parts of the world! :smile:

So now I’m back as a supersyrim just to get into this secret group


Uhhh i so need this tomorrow!! First Starfinder Session in the evening :slight_smile:

I have it at 11:45am FRIDAY in Sydney, Australia!

Surely he didn’t mean we’d have to wait until OUR “Friday”?!? :smiley:

Damn, still waiting :sweat_smile:
7 hours left til first session… :dizzy_face:

Hey all,

So I will invite the first few people in 10 hours.

We’ve done some testing here in the office and everything is looking good.

There’s definitely a few performance issues… which will get worse as we bring more people online (basically too many messages hammering the server) (will trim them down early next week) = at which point I will invite everyone else here.

Look for an invite into the new Secret Category (where you’ll find links etc).

THANKS for your patience everyone!

I could set it all running right now… but then the first thing I would do would be to go to sleep for 8 hours… which is not particularly helpful! :smiley:


So much more info to come… tomorrow! :smile:

Nighty night! :smile:

To quote the immortal Tom Petty: “The waiting is the hardest part”!!

NOTE: @Dulux_Oz
The 3rd party integration things will work with the Master/Minion (not yet). So you’ll still be able to control Syrinscape from within Fantasy Grounds (and other things) (since we actually making this for VTT play).

We are endeavouring to keep the format exactly the same, but let’s have a chat soon about any changes/improvements you think would be very useful.

And it begins!

Invites have been sent out. Just a small group at first, and then I’ll invite everyone else on this thread next week.

Continued THANKS for eveyone’s patience!!!


Ok. Good to know. So when I test this (hopefully tonight) I shouldn’t try to test auto and chatsounds from the DOE extensions in FG? No problem just want to know what is a bug and what is a feature that isn’t ready yet! Thanks.

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Sweet! Really curious how it all turns out. If can run the trials as well that would be awesome (saves me from setting it all up to send it over Skype :wink:

If not I will patiently wait :wink:


This sounds nice. Tried to put some ambiance sounds through Discord and it is not working as best I would like, the minion player will solve this. Looking forward to play with this in a near future.


I’m really excited about the news. I’m using VLC to broadcast Syrinscape audio, but I often have problems with lags.

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Would love access if still looking for testers.