Master/Minion is ready for more beta testers - CLOSED

Working now. :smile:

Actually looks like everything has been 100% stable over the last 12 hours. So I thiiiiink we may be there!


We’re just about ready to turn this beta public.

Things are all running on the production server, just kicking the wheels a few more times and we’ll link everyone up on this thread!

It’ll be as simple as going to a URL I share here… :coffee:


I would love to try this out if you still need beta testers

Exciting! Please sign me up!

Hey @benjamin

I would love to be able to try the public beta of this. Have I missed the link somewhere?


Just look here: :smile:

Greetings Ben, (Posted this once on the wrong thread it seems sorry).

If you look back you’ll see I was the one a few years ago who initially requested this feature and said when you get it on the go I’d return to Syrinscape. Well looks like you’ve gone and done it! Thanks! So I’m ready to give you my money!

In the meantime may I please get beta access? If so I’ll renew my subscription today! I have a new online game starting up this week with several players and would love to try it out.


Nevermind I got it figured out. It’s open beta! Awesome Works well so far.

Hey-hi. So, kindly requesting access, kind sir. If that is still possible.

Am on a Mac, and–as you know–have no 3PI support. :frowning:



It’s an open beta now, so apart from being a bit slow or broken sometimes, this is functioning publicly and accessible to ALL SuperSyrins.

I want in! been looking for something like this for awhile. running audio through discord just isnt cutting it.

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Just look at the post right above yours… link there. :smile:

I would love to test this a friend raved over it.

Is it possible to get access to the Master/Minion beta? I am starting a game soon using fantasy grounds and excited to see how this might add to the game sessions.

It’s out of Beta.
Try out this URL:


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Yep exactly what @david_berkompas said

The Syrinscape Online Player is now ready for people to use.
(a few bugs still, but we are working through them).

Go here: to find out more!

Greetings, all!

My groups runs 2-4 locally and another 2-4 remotely and, as a new Syrinscape SuperScriber, we’d love to tinker around with the Master/Minion feature this weekend.

Thanks for setting up this amazing feature!


I’m finally having the chance to try this out. Really fantastic work. Makes a Supersyrin subscription even that much more worth it.

Best of all, I think it provides superior sound quality broadcast than using the same line as Teamspeak. At least for that program, sound effects often get faded into the background when the priority speaker is speaking, so you have the ambient background and sound effects cutting out half or more of the time. I’m hoping this solves that problem. (Those who use Discord, is it any different or better?)

This approach is also vastly simply to set up an run than piping it through Teamspeak etc.

Agreed, just need that third party integration so I can control the sounds from Fantasy Grounds.

Actually be nice if the controller was the same piece of desktop software and the online player could connect to that, but if that’s been discussed previously my apologies, just ignore my ramblings. :smile:

I am running a long time game on Fantasy Grounds. I would like to try this out. I have been looking at other systems that do this and just read about Master / Minion in the digest. This would save me switching.