I currently use Syrinscape for a lot of the background ambience and noises in my game, but often switch out to a music playlist for combat encounters. I’ve been playing around with the Sound Set Creator over the last couple of days, and am keen to try to integrate my playlists as a SoundSet to save having to switch between apps at the start of every encounter.
My problem is that the music is not mine, and so if I upload these tracks as part of a SoundSet that is publically downloadable I will be breaking copyright law. I have found an old post (Using soundsets with copyrighted sounds in them - FIXED) that suggests that its not an issue, as until I opt to share my SoundSets they will only be visible to me. However, I have a suspicion that this is no longer the case, and the disclaimer after clicking the Upload button in the SSC seems to support this (ie saying that Syrinscape has rights to share my SoundSets).
Can someone please clarify the above (ie let me know whether the advice in the linked post is still valid) and let me know whether there is any way to use SoundSets offline in the Player - obviously I can just use the SSC as my player to avoid having to upload, but ideally I would like to use the actual Player. Is it possible to export the SoundSets myself and manually import them onto another device (I generally use Syrinscape on my tablet in sessions)?