SyrinControl - WIP FoundryVTT module integration

Opps I missed the part where everyone needed the online player. Darn that is the issue I have, I was sort hoping it would stream through the Foundry application. Oh well :slight_smile:

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Hey @marroon69 :slight_smile:
We’d like that too, and are working on possible solutions with the lovely people at Foundry.

Stay tuned to our socials and the forums for news as we are able to share.

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Awesome! How ever that works it would be great. I just never seem to have luck getting players to create accounts, download the app and start the app so I end up being the only one with sound. :slight_smile:

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This would be awesome. Is this a possibility in the distant future as it would require a lot of code or is this more of a we just need to ensure that api protection is in place and you can flip on a switch? I’m almost positive you can’t share anything but I want to ask anyways as maybe I will get the exclusive scoop. wink

Hey there all my fellow Syrinscapers, and especially the leadership at Syrinscape.

I’m going to throw my hat into the ring on this topic, mostly to say that the ability to use Syrinscape within Foundry would be amazing.

I know that Frondeus has done a bang up job with getting to the point that the module has gotten to, and that time and effort are greatly appreciated. I"m able to use syrinscape in my games more easily.

However, as Frondeus and I have discussed on github, the current minimum viable product that is the CSV method is great but it has it’s limitations. namely

  • inability to adequately search
  • not exactly user friendly
  • no ability to access custom ‘campaigns’ of sounds that I build
  • no ability to access community campaigns of sounds that others have built

the only way this can work properly is via the CORS configuration, which as best as I can tell from my hours and hours of fighting with CORS, will only work if I host foundry on my own machine.

Anybody who uses foundry on a hosted service, or on a self-hosted service (like I do with a Raspberry Pi), is pretty muich out of luck. (especially if using a certificate-protected installation as I do)

So with that, I’d like to add my vote to the ring, that better support of Syrinscape control within Foundry, without the need for using the CSV, would be greatly appreciated.

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Take a look at this forum post.
it might give you the workaround you need, assuming you use discord for your audio

The Fantasy Player is easier to setup, but you have to get to know the thick client install (faster play of sounds, and local to your PC rather than streamed through like Online Player). So depending on which player you use you can setup whichever you prefer.

Linked above by ptrudel is the Online Player, the link below here is the Fantasy Player (thick client):

It pleases me to let you all know that recently we relaxed the CORS restrictions to our /frontend-api/ endpoints, so they should now allow full cross origin requests to succeed. We are trusting that users of the API will be reasonably kind to our servers and not hammer them with many inefficient requests, since we may then need to consider our options if it impacts our users.

Feel free to speak up if there are any issues, and let’s try to make some fun happen!

Hi! Thanks for such a great news!

I released version 0.3.0 which uses Syrinscape Frontend-API by default :slight_smile:

I hope this will make the syrinscape more accessible for an average game master :slight_smile:


It works so well now thanks so much for the implementation.


Yay! Am happy people are happy! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

ALSO NOTE: we are continuing to work to make the getting-the-sound-going-for-players part of Syrinscape MUCH easier too.

We should have something to show in the not toooooooo far away!

< excited hopping from one foot to the other >

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I’m really pleased this exists. The major issue is ease of access for existing sound sets (e.g., the Masks of Nyarlathotep soundsets), especially when a subscriber. I’ve created a Syrinscape Campaign that I can access in the Online Player, but it’s not showing up in Foundry, and looking at the still-undocumented API, I don’t see anything that would allow fetching campaigns. Is that accurate? Should they be part of soundsets? Is there another API call that should be used to fetch them?

Hi ipsi, thanks for the feedback.
I am working on search functionality for the SyrinControl so you can easier find your soundsets. I also run Masks of Nyarlathotep and I agree it is right now a bit cumbersome :slight_smile:

Till the new release, I can only recommend using “SyrinControl playlist”. It is not yet integrated with Syrinscape Campaign as you noticed it is undocumented. I would have to reverse-engineer request calls from the official Syrinscape Online Master Panel. It is possible but takes time.

But the plan is:

  • Release the fuzzy search
  • Integrate playlist with campaigns as well as
  • Add possibility to link more than one mood to a given scene,
  • Or/And add multiple playlists/integrate Foundry Playlists with Syrinscape moods (I haven’t yet decided which one).

The third one might be interesting. Especially for the Masks of Nyarlathotep for one location, you may have 3 or even 4 different moods. One for the night, one for rain, one for the fight, etc. Right now in my personal campaign, I keep the additional moods in the global playlist but it is hard no navigate.

Finally, one hint - while it is not documented or easiest way of navigation, when selecting the dropdown option with soundset you could press letters to do naive filtering. At least in Firefox pressing C-A-L-L selects the first “Call of Cthulhu…” soundset and makes whole scrolling much faster.


Hi! As a brand new SyrinControl user (fresh install of 0.3.0) I have my Auth Token entered and I can now see my soundsets (including my customs) when editing a new scene… but whenever I select any of them the drop-down remains “stuck” on “–no soundset–.” Is there one more step I’m missing??

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I think that’s a reasonable plan. I think I will probably use the scene functionality to automatically pick moods for scenes, but otherwise just continue to use the online player if I need more than that.

I think what I would like to see, personally, is maybe a couple more things (some might be mutually exclusive):

  • Display all moods for a campaign at once. Yes, things like MoN are usually broken up well enough that it’s not a big deal, but it would be nice to not have to spend time switching between the different Egyptian soundsets, for example (I have set up one “campaign” per country).
  • Have a scene automatically load up the associated soundset in the player (which would help mitigate the above issue).
  • Save campaigns as a playlist in Foundry - then I could have one folder per region, which would, I think, be easier to manage.
  • The soundboard needs descriptive text - I can’t tell what symbol goes with what sound just from the image, and need to wait a couple of seconds to hover each of them one by one.

Something which, I think, would be really neat, but would require Foundry to be the application providing the music, as opposed to the Discord bot I’m currently using, is an extension of your point 3, but more like:

Allow the GM to setup an area which has a mood playing inside of it. So when you go down the stairs into the creepy cellar, the music changes, but only for the person who walks down those stairs. When they come back up, they get the default music for the scene. Works best with maps and players moving their tokens around, and probably too much work for the GM to handle this per-player manually.

In the absence of that, being able to add music based on the overall state of the scene is a cool idea. Music that’s triggered when you make it “night”, music that’s triggered when you create a combat, music that’s triggered by a weather event, etc, etc. It looks like I could already do this with some World JS, but that’s not exactly accessible for your average GM.

Mmm, yea, I could see having moods based on Day/Night time would be neat. Also Foundry’s native audio based on positioning is the best but not sure how you would do that with the client/api. That will require foundry to push the sound.

FWIW You can use Monks Active Tiles and use all sorts of triggers to call a macro, and creating a macros is a single click with SyrinControl. So that seemed to work well, a single tile paused the game, played a one shot, set the mood, and added the players to combat as soon as a token entered the area!

I didn’t even think to use monks tiles for this. Can you set it up to change a a whole sound set when they go to a different room. I know it would be the same for everyone but still really cool

Can I just say it’s amazing that I recognize your Avatar from the RPTools board from back in like 2010-2014?

I am having the same issue.

I am back, signed up for Syrinscape again and commenting here so I can follow what is going on.

Would be super excited if we can eventually play Syrinscape sound within Foundry.

Also willing to help test in my Foundry games. :slight_smile:

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