SoundSet Creator on Mac

I don’t know if it matters but my Mac is from 2010

Will we be able to import our playlists into the SyrinScape application or will we have to run it from the internet window that the Creator application opens?

Is anyone else having Transcoding issues? I’m trying to import music files from Platemail games

Are you using wav or ogg files? The only issue I had was with my 2011 MacBook. Newer models worked fine.

Yeah. So definitely doesn’t work on 2011 machines…

Stay tuned. :smile:
@cody_krause You’ll be able to hit the little cloud (under the SoundSet inspector and that uploads your SoundSet to the server, and makes it appear in ALL your players.

Make sure you check out this Playlist of very useful videos:

Staring… ME! :slight_smile:


Here we go, we are pretty sure this build will work on the 2011 machines as well.

Everybody test!



Here’s what I found just now…
It’s very strange. I uploaded a sample in OGG first. It didn’t work, but it may have been user error. I uploaded a WAV file next. Worked fine. Then I uploaded several WAV files. Some uploaded fine, others had a transcoding error. I re-uploaded those one by one and they uploaded just fine.

Thanks for the new build! This kink may be user error or may just be just that, a kink. Is it inconvenient, yes, but importing works for the most part. So I’m not going to complain too much.

On another note just got home from our D&D campaign session. I’m not the DM, but I’m in charge of sound. our players and DM loved it. You guys rock!

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Has anyone else ran into a problem with one Syrincscape window saying “not responding” under activity monitor? Also, after having Syrinscape open for a while, my computer slowed down. I looked at the activity monitor and my browser was using 40GB of memory (I don’t even have that much memory).


@jg201290 Which build are you using?

Fixed for me! MacBook Pro late 2011, Mac OS X 10.12.3. No problems importing.

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Hey @jg201290

Wanna try using Chrome instead?

If the browser starts up in Safari, just:

  1. copy the URL you see there and close that TAB
  2. Open Chrome
  3. Paste the URL in
  4. Proceed.

Let us know if that works better for you!?!?

Opening the Interface maybe should open the player, if it isn’t already open. (I can’t compare if it’s different from the Windows version since I don’t use that version.)


Everything should open automatically when you start it up.

Is that happening for you?



It’s not really a bug. But, if the player is required for the interface, shouldn’t the player launch if not open when the interface is launched?

Yay! Videos are soooo helpful! :slight_smile: Thanks!

Hmmm… mysterious.

Can you show me what you are actually doing to get the server started?

(and the UI)?

Hello Benjamin,

Here are my experiences. I installed the creator via Wine as described above and it works fine. Just today I wanted to try the Mac version (the one you posted above). Installation was flawless. So far so good. But unfortunately the same problem as before still remains on my system. When I start the app three popups appear, but the interface won’t open in the browser and the player constantly tries to connect to the server but nothing really happens. Since you like videos I provide you with a link where you can see how it works with wine and the problems I am facing with the mac version. Cheers! And thank you for your effort, Chris.

PS for full resolution you would have to download the video.

Video Syrinscape Creator Wine vs Mac

Two new builds are available for the Syrinscape SoundSet Creator. :sweat:
(The MAC one is the same as I linked to above)

If you are logged in on (as a SuperSyrin), you find the links at the top right of your screen.


And get us those BUG REPORTS!

@christian_holemy I like videos… thanks! :-

You shooooooooooooould be able to start the UI by clicking on navigating here:

Let me know if that works?

Dear Benjamin,

thank you for your fast reply. I gave it a try and unfortunately it does’t work. I made a little video and added the link below. As far as I can tell it appears that the UI doesn’t start because the player does not connect to the server. Which is weird because it does when I run it with wine. Is there any difference in the way the player connects in windows vs. mac? I don’t really know too much about all this networking things but it appears that this might be the problem. All the best, Chris

Player can’t connect to server


Sooo… the Player (little square box) should progress to say: “Checking Samples” “Waiting for UI” and “ready”… etc

So it looks like something is stopping the server from starting.

  • Virus checker?
  • Firewall?
  • Security settings?
  • Virus?

Have a bit of an explore around your security settings…

Oooooooooor just run it in wine…? lol

(Good luck!) :slight_smile: