I’m in the same boat, I have a game tonight and wanted to create some custom sounds for it and I’ve just not been able to use the soundset creator at all. It’s been a week. I’ve tried downloading soundsets for the creator at various times of day and I’m constantly met with errors telling me the download has failed.
I even went so far as to completely remove anything related to Syrinscape from my system and starting from fresh just incase I had a local issue with my setup.
I’ve had to revert to downloading sounds from youtube and mashing them together in audio editing software, which isn’t what I’m paying a Syrinscape subscription for. Sadly, even if this issue was fixed today I won’t have enough time before my game to get my sounds up and running.
I love Syrinscape and always have, my loyalty as a customer keeps me from creating too big of a fuss over this but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel disappointed at the moment. I literally re-subbed just before these issues begun and I’ve not been able to use the service I’ve paid for. Sad panda.