"One-Shots" too loud. Any way to separately adjust? - HELP TESTING


You can stop a OneShot by selecting any MOOD, or by hitting PAUSE and then quickly hitting the MOOD you want… again.

The long awaited OneShot volume slider coming soon to a Syrinscape near you. What do you think of the placement & look etc? There’s still time to tweak it for you?!


Awesome! Sooooo many people have asked for this, it’s great to see it happen.

Don’t forget folks if there’s something that you would like to see added, changed or improved then let us know and leave us a suggestion Here.

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This looks great! Will it scroll down, i.e. disappear when scrolling up, or will it stay fixed at the bottom of the window? (I’d personally prefer the latter. :wink: ) And will it affect all OneShots or just the general ones?

It’ll stay fixed, so you won’t have to scroll :smile:

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Awesome! Can’t wait for this to get implemented. Thanks so much everyone for adding features like this to an already great application.


See here for a pic of what it will look like.

Users like you have contributed to many many of the really good features in Syrinscape, so keep the feedbak/questions/ideas coming as they occur to you. :slight_smile:

Great to see the one shot volume control, do we have a release date?

Excited about the volume slider. Update coming soon?

Yep. This will come with our next update.

Also, this has already been implemented in the Master/Minion Player.

Want in on the beta?

Yes please for the beta!

Good day Ben and team.

Wow, so please ignore my comment left on a youtube video about this (I will see if I can edit it out)… This is exactly what I was referring to as well. My players and I have found the same issue. I use the sounds as a background thing, so we keep the sounds overall down, but when I use the one offs it totally blasts the players… Its extremely jarring, so the fact that you are doing this is making me jump for joy!!! We use an iPad with a single speaker set on mono setting.

So I cant wait for this to come down…


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The Master/Minion interface ALSO will let you adjust the volumes of the OneShots… so that might help to. :slight_smile:

Whats the Master/Minion interface? Im not familiar with that…

About to enter public beta (this week) (hopefully)

We’ve just completed a good private beta… and things are looking fine!

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Where can I sign up for public beta? :wink:

This is great news! Just tried Syrinscape at the table and they loved it, but the consensus at the table is that “One-Shots” are not to be used as they are joltingly loud. Otherwise, fantastic app! Great atmosphere for our Curse of Strahd campaign. Do we have an ETA on the next update?

The Master/Minion’s Public Beta is up and running.

Info here:

With this tool you can change the volume of the OneShots!

There are somemissing features still, like Campaigns and decent Keyword searching, but other than that we are all go!

Try this!!! A test build for Android with the long awaited OneShot Volume slider.