Newbie Questions - Finding Soundsets, Customising One-Shots and Improv with Syrinscape

I’ve taken a look around the forums, FAQ, and pro-tips, but couldn’t find the answers easily and I’m hoping someone might be able to help. For reference I’m a SuperSyrin subscriber currently using the Fantasy Offline Module for PC / Tablet to create ambience for an in-person game.

  1. Finding Soundsets
    My primary use case is to provide background ambience for scenes - i.e. I’m in a village, I would like village noises. I’m on a boat, I would love sea and boat noises. Syrinscape has a lot of soundsets and I’m having a hard time finding which are appropriate. Even ones well named such as ‘seedy tavern’ can’t be searched on the campaign manager by title apparently, only by tag? Is there a better way to get soundscapes, or do you have to go through each one checking whether it fits the mood? The tag system seems to be spotty - e.g. when I search tavern on campaign manager, neither friendly tavern or seedy tavern show up.

  2. Customising One-Shots
    From what I can tell there was plans to allow customisation of global one-shots, but I don’t know if they were completed. I think I should also be able to customise the soundset one shots with my current package - on the fantasy offline player, pressing edit lets me create a new mood in the scene but doesn’t seem to let me add sounds to the one-shot. Does this have to be done online or am I missing something?

There’s nothing else out there working as well as Syrinscape, so I’m hoping there are easy answers and it’s just things I’ve missed or didn’t understand right. Appreciate any help people can provide.

Also to make sure I’m getting the terminology right I believe it goes:
Soundset->Mood->Track & One-Shot Elements with Global One-shot Elements next to them.

Hi Benjamin!

You can indeed customise your One-shot element. I use that alot when preparing for a game. You cannot yet remove the standard one-shot but you can add more.
Read this post for more:


As for the Soundsets, I would suggest to use the online player to search the full library (using the search option on the right) since you are a SuperSyrin subscriber, then you could select which one to add to your offline player.

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You can also take the official ones and make a duplicate of it, name it whatever you want, and then edit the heck out of them to your heart’s content. It’s a method that worked for me customizing my own. It’s a lengthy process, though, even after the learning curve. Be prepared to put some hours in, which is why duplicating one of the official ones is recommended, so at least you have a template to start from.


Hey all,

We have been looking at adding an option to switch OFF all the default Global OneShots in the Web Player (and Online Player Master Interface) = so only your OWN custom globals show.

Would that be a useful thing for people?


Thanks all for the advice - Customising the one-shots is definitely helpful, but as @benjamin mentioned, it would be good to be able to show only my custom globals, as I tend to want to use only 10 or so effects, so it reduces the extra effects on the screen and the time it takes for me to locate the one I want to play

I’ve moved to prepping games in the online player - the best solution I’ve found now is to create campaigns for themes, and then add soundscapes in those themes. It would also be good to allow you to search by title as well as tag in the campaign manager. Thanks all for the advice so far.

Hey all again,
@benjaminjbard @scarabeus

Sooooo we listened to everything here and had a think… and we have deployed a change that lets you HIDE the default (official) Global OneShots in the Web Player and Online Player.

You can find the setting in the Web Player interface:

  1. Go to the hamburger menu = three horizontal lines at the top right

  2. Select SETTINGS there

  3. Change your settings.
    The interface should automatically update.

You can ALSO find the setting under your dashboard here:
(you will need to reload the WebPlayer or Online Player Master to get this change to show).

Have a go and let us know if that works how you want.

Useful? :robot: :hammer:


That’s great - exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks for the response. I’m assuming at the moment this only works for the online player and not the downloaded offline apps?

Cheers :slight_smile:

Great! Nice work! It works perfectly fine. I just copied those I wanted to keep into my custom global OneShots and now I have my own selection thanks to you. And, in addition, I just figured out that I can change the order in which they appear.

Thank You Benjamin!

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This is what we will be looking at next. Might be straightforward, much more complicated than we think, or impossible.

Stay tuned! :slight_smile: :robot: :hammer: :bug: :crossed_swords:

Woooooooot! :slight_smile:

So glad to have been able to make this change. It’ll certainly help ME. :slight_smile:


How so? You have an awful lot?

I feel that. Either way, as it currently stands, it’s great to be able to customise the global shortcuts for my most common sounds. Thanks for taking a look at this.

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:beers: :pizza:

Thanks so much to everyone for the feedback that pushed us to get this done. Stay tuned for news on the installable player apps. :slight_smile: