I’ve taken a look around the forums, FAQ, and pro-tips, but couldn’t find the answers easily and I’m hoping someone might be able to help. For reference I’m a SuperSyrin subscriber currently using the Fantasy Offline Module for PC / Tablet to create ambience for an in-person game.
Finding Soundsets
My primary use case is to provide background ambience for scenes - i.e. I’m in a village, I would like village noises. I’m on a boat, I would love sea and boat noises. Syrinscape has a lot of soundsets and I’m having a hard time finding which are appropriate. Even ones well named such as ‘seedy tavern’ can’t be searched on the campaign manager by title apparently, only by tag? Is there a better way to get soundscapes, or do you have to go through each one checking whether it fits the mood? The tag system seems to be spotty - e.g. when I search tavern on campaign manager, neither friendly tavern or seedy tavern show up. -
Customising One-Shots
From what I can tell there was plans to allow customisation of global one-shots, but I don’t know if they were completed. I think I should also be able to customise the soundset one shots with my current package - on the fantasy offline player, pressing edit lets me create a new mood in the scene but doesn’t seem to let me add sounds to the one-shot. Does this have to be done online or am I missing something?
There’s nothing else out there working as well as Syrinscape, so I’m hoping there are easy answers and it’s just things I’ve missed or didn’t understand right. Appreciate any help people can provide.
Also to make sure I’m getting the terminology right I believe it goes:
Soundset->Mood->Track & One-Shot Elements with Global One-shot Elements next to them.