Icewind Dale Part 2 release time

All supersyrins having requested the sneak peek should find the soundsets in their library now. Search for Frostmaiden if you can’t find them. :slight_smile:

I’d love access, please. Our campaign is almost done Ch. 1.

@trav.chalmers Done. :smirk:

And for everyone already having access - don’t hold back with your feedback. Only by constrictive criticism we can get better. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is this ever releasing? :grinning:

Any update on the release? Would love access to chapter 2 as well if its not coming up in the next few weeks. We are nearing that point and excited to see what you all put together. Thanks.

It is done and reviewed. Alas - it is the holiday season, when we all lay a little low to recharge our batteries. It will be officially released really soon.
But, as a Supersyrin, you’re eligible for the sneak peek unlock, @killersheep101

Enjoy and Happy New Year!

How do you get the sneak peek unlock?

@jlstephens13 Supersyrins, like you, do simply state the desire to get the supersneaky preview sneak, and your wish will be granted. :smirk:

Awesome, thank you!!!

Sneak peek please, allmost thru chapter 1 and its been really great so fare

@wazkamuko It is an honor to give a long term subscriber, such as you, the sneak peek access. The soundsets should be in your library now.

Thank you for your long term support! :+1::tada::trophy:

May I also have a sneak peak of Chapter 2? I’ve still got a few places left for my players to adventure in. But have moved along to chapter 3 and 4. Thanks in advance!

I am new to Syrinscape. I am currently running Rime, starting chapter 3/4 tonight.

I was hoping to be added to the chapter 2 sounds sneak access.

Is there a projected release date for chap 3/4 sounds yet?

Chapter four is as good as done, final mixing and adding some dialogue details.

Chapter three is three-quarters done and will probably be finished by the weekend (if everything goes as planned) :slight_smile:

@warwickmatt Also - check your library and enjoy the noise! :wink:

I can’t wait to the deployment of these and the remaining chapters.

Hello, when will chapter two be released? I’m not a supersyrin user so I can’t get the sneak peek but I’m wondering when it will be available to the general public.

The next part is planned to be out within the next couple of weeks :slight_smile:

Hey, also looking for a sneak peek at chapter 2 as well! Players are now starting to explore about a bit more and would be good to have the sounds in my toolkit especially for some of the weirder side treks.

@jgmahon13 You should take a look into your library. Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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I’m new to Syrinscape and don’t need Chapter 2 yet (just prepping the campaign atm), but just wanted to say I’m very excited for it. All the stuff in Chapter 1 is fantastic!