Global One Shots - RESOLVED

Iā€™m having similar issues with the one shots in the online player.

Syrinscape online is the best collection of moods in the world, hampered by a clunky interface that makes editing/exporting/creating new sets a pain.

Ideally, what would be REALLY useful: Give me a blank, new soundset (in a column, like the ones you have now). Let me drag and drop soundsets and moods in to work with them. Let me REMOVE global items I donā€™t care about - I donā€™t want ANY of the global oneshots - Iā€™m in a fantasy game, I donā€™t need 95% of these items to be available or shown to me.
Let me set the reverb types individually and EASILY. Let me rename from a context menu, or edit items without clicking through several menus.

There is a ton of power available, but all the items are hidden behind several menus, clicks, or within the interface in a non-obvious way. Loving the recent changes too! Separate volume sliders are perfect!


Amen to that. I do like Syrinscape, and think it has quite the edge on the competition - but it feels like it was developed by folks with a lot of industry knowledge of audio. Thatā€™s not entirely a bad thing, and for other folks in that field Iā€™m sure this is second nature. But it creates the same issue as when developers create software apps without any regard to the end-user not knowing the same terminology and business flow that the developer does. For the layfolks, even those of us who are more techieā€¦this layout could use a really good UI/UX review. And yeah, the global one shots are just an example of that.


1st Post and even though I am involved in the audio business, the interface is still really clunky. Iā€™d really just want a blank page and let me add what I need.

However, Iā€™ll work with what Iā€™ve got.

I will also vote for removing the global one shots I donā€™t need. Way too much real estate taken up by sounds Iā€™ll not be using.

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One more vote for being able to delete global one shots, or at a minimum being able to rearrange them so I can put unused ones at the bottom. An alphabetization feature would be nice also. Today I added global one shots from two different campaigns and found they were segregated on the list rather than being mixed together and in alphabetical order. Syrinscape is overall great, but just this one change would make it amazing for me!

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Yeeep sounding off with another vote to be able to customize the items that show in Global one shots. New subscriber today, and honestly may not renew if this isnā€™t gonna be coming soon. Judging by this thread itā€™s been on the to-do list since 2019, thatā€™s a crazy wait time for something that seems like a given with the rest of the customization available.

Yes, this is still something we want to get to.

We have done a HUGE amount of work on many great features between the date this was first asked for and now, but, indeed, not having an actual infinite supply of both dev money and actual dev person hours, this one has not reached the top of the pile yet.

Sorry about that.

NOTE: jumping on here to advocate for this feature getting done sooner, moves it UP the list, so good job on that. :slight_smile:

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well then let me add another voice to the chorus.
I know you guys probably have a lot on your list, but these global one shots are clunking up the whole interface. i never use one shots in general and i would LOVE the option to just not see them / have to interact with them at all.
anyway keep up the good work, this is just suggested feedback. :slight_smile:

Well let me say, this should be a ā€˜all hands onā€™ #1 priority. It doesnā€™t matter if you have 300 sounds sets if you canā€™t organize them well enough to use properly. I sure would like to see a monthly update on this one.

We hear you @jmjustice1967

Adding your voice here helps me set priorities for the dev team.

This one is not currently our #1 priority, but it IS on the important list and I look forward to being able to get stuck into it.

Keep advocating for what is important to you.

Itā€™s actually 757 official & 136 community content SoundSets as of right now.

Though, do note, this is not about organising SoundSets specificallyā€¦ if you are looking to do that, make sure you have seen that My Campaigns is a thing. Thatā€™s already a thing that works. :slight_smile:

The My Campaign is a step in the right direction. Use it, love it, but we need more. Just out of curiosity, what is the number one issue you folks are working on?

The big thing we are working on right now is a ā€˜far more easy way of getting sound to your friends playing in remote gamesā€™. Many people have reported that their players needing to: download & install the Online Player, create an account, link their Player App to their account, follow a link to join their GMā€™s gameā€¦ is too complex to achieve.

We are working on a better solutionā€¦ which I am getting VERY excited to share as soon as we are able.


Hey everybody! Bit late to the party but I specifically went searching for this thread cause Iā€™d love to see this feature added. At the moment we can build a custom array of moods in the ā€˜Customā€™ sound set, which is actually pretty intuitive and great. Would love to do the same with global oneshots. Being able to build the sound effects I need across all packs would be incredible and is the final feature I really need to feel complete with the program.

I also think the Syrinscape app is a bit clunky. I think even just adding a bit more feedback would make a HUGE difference to the app feel. When I press a button, a bit more colour and animation, even slightly, would make the whole experience silky. But mostly I just think that making a board of global oneshots is an amazing feature. As a new subscriber, this is the only feature Iā€™d really want for the foreseeable future.

Keep up the great work!

Adding my vote to the mix as well. While I totally understand remote playability being top priority (especially in the pandemic), the global one shot panel customization is personally my highest priority.

Yes, please add my vote. The sounds are incredible, but the clunky interface was always such a huge bottleneck for me. I stopped using this only because it slowed my game down when I had to remember how to navigate to/find the sounds I wanted on the fly. I miss the sounds, though. Artistically, this is a marvel. Logistically, not so much.

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add my vote too.
I definitely love the differents Soundsets, Moods and One Shots available, but we need a way to sort/add/remove Global One Shots, that is the most important feature missing for my own use right now.

Thanks !

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Thatā€™s good to know, Iā€™ve tried many ways to get around the online complexity since everyone wants to use Discord which has no real good audio controls. There is always resistance to the complex player.

Also, revisiting when we might be able to remove or hide global one shots.

Count my voice as well. Starting a new soundset should be a blank slate with the ability to add/remove all elements/oneshots/music/whatever.

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Just want to give this a bump too! Would be great to switch up global one shots, for now Iā€™ve taken to muting them all just encase I miss click.

Hi. Is there a fix for this? Iā€™ve made a list of mt Global OneShots but they seem to be mixing in with a whole bunch of default ones. Doesnā€™t help that Iā€™m doing a Fantasy game and have a load of SciFy OneShots that I have to scroll past to get to the ones I wanted. :slight_smile: Love the program though. QOL fix would be appreciated

PS. We use Online Player

lol this has been ā€œon the listā€ since 19 and it still hasnā€™t happened?