Thanks for the suggestion. While that will show me what is playing it doesn’t provide any access to the volume sliders which is what is needed to make selecting a sound or a mood using Fantasy Grounds viable.
You would have to add a volume slider to allow this to occur.
In this example I have selected the mood from FGU but the mood in the player remains unchanged (Back Alley). I can get the sounds playing up (thanks for that suggestion) but I don;t have any control on those individual elements.
If I were to then click on Volcanic Insurrection I can be taken to the sound tab and it will show me the elements that are playing and I can now adjust the sounds but the icons are not blue to show they are playing (not seen before). Also if I have some elements playing from a different soundet I guess I have to keep dancing between them all.
I suppose this a slight work around but not fully convient.