ERROR - First Start - "Syrinscape was not able to load its soundset data"

nope, still getting the same error. and i double checked to make sure it is allowed through my anti-virus and firewall

mine just went through and i have access again. not sure if it was something i did, or something on your side, or if the Gods just decided to bless me

Hello! I wanted to throw in that currently running into the same error on my first install. I’ve tried re-installing the app, ethernet instead of wi-fi, and restarting the tablet. Any suggestions?

OK @joshweedon91 Have a go now. I’ve given your account a shove.:slight_smile:

Hi @benjamin! Can you clear my account as well? I still seem to be having the same issue. Thanks!

Hi @basilis3761 I’ve looked at the account attached to the email address on this forum post. The account shows no purchases, no subs, and no devices.

Are you logging in with a different account?

Maybe email at support at syrinscape dot com and we’ll get you sorted. :slight_smile:

that worked thanks so much.

I have the same error after upgrading my Syrinscape today on my mac. .

I seem to having this problem as well. Just installed on a new macbook. Mind giving my account a push?

I just upgraded Syrinscape and am repeatedly getting this error. Thanks.

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@tim1 I just reset your available chapters file. Has that fixed the problem? I’m currently investigating an issue that might be contributing to this problem, but hopefully the manual reset gets things back on track in the meantime.

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Hi all, googled this problem, I can access on my iPad, but not the Mac client. I get this same error.

Hey @jbitzer,

I just hit reset on your account. Working now?

If not, try shutting down and restarting your MAC (after totally ending Syrinscape).

Let us know. :slight_smile:

I am also having this problem. I have tried it on two different computers and get the same message. I have tried uninstalling and downloading the latest version and still have the same problem.

Same issue here. I have great wifi signal, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, added firewall rules and even turned my firewall off totally to test and still having same issue.

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Hey @Benjamin, I am able to log in, but I don’t see any soundsets for my account.

Edit - never mind, restarting the app made them show up


Can you make mine work too??

HI @adamsteinmann3

First give this a try:

  1. Shutdown Syrinscape completely
  2. Restart your system
  3. Restart Syrinscape

If you have no luck with that, then check you are running it the best way for the OS:

  1. download the DMG and drag the app to /Applications folder (ie don’t run it from inside the DMG)
  2. right click and select open instead of double clicking to launch the first time
  3. if Catalina asks for additional weird permissions (eg to monitor keyboard input), you can deny… We think this is due to the version of Unity this build is running on, and we do NOT and do NOT need to monitor keyboard input while the app is not active
  4. if it appears to be stuck, quit and re-launch the same way

Working now?

Works on my phone, not on my laptop. Keep getting the “not able to load soundset data” message. But, seeing as this thread seems to verify each account has to be approved or something by an administrator before loading the software on a computer…guess I’ll give it some time. But, makes it hard to subscribe if the software won’t work.

Hi @tjsample78

There’s nothing we should need to go to get your device working.

Are you on MAC or PC?

If MAC, have you tried the steps right above your post.

If it’s PC, then that weird! Maybe something is blocking or interfering with your internet access:

  1. Firewall
  2. Anti Malware software
  3. a virus (such as GorilaAds which insert ads into webpages)
  4. proxy?

Let us know if anything gets you further! :slight_smile: :smiley:

MAINLY = gotta get that sound working!!!