OK, after about 4 hours of watching videos and playing around, I am now wrapping my finger around how this all works. For those of you who are new and read this post, don’t give up, it has a steep learning curve but once you get it, it is very powerful.
End Edit
First off, the player is incredibly awesome, the creator is HORRIBLE, It’s incredibly confusing, not at all user friendly, confusing, not intuitive, confusing, and why why why was it designed this way???
OK, now that I blew off some steam for wasting over two hours accomplishing nothing while trying to create my own stuff, let me ask a few questions…
Is there even a downloadable creator now? I can’t find one and everything I am seeing is telling me I can download it. I cannot find it anywhere.
So then I go to Syrinscape Online (Beta), but is that the only place I can make my own stuff now? In a beta, online only version?
And then when I get there, nothing makes any logical sense for sound design. Can someone point me in the direction of video guides or training, so that I can not waste anymore time? A just want to upload my own sounds and music, for personal use, and make some loop, be random, or be one shots. This should only take 5 minutes, if designed correctly.
Frustrated new user who feels like he just wasted his money
**Note: if you guys need someone on your creator design team, seriously, I can help, and would gladly donate my time and give you my advice and even design mock-ups. Trust me, there is a much easier way than what you currently have now. Yikes!