414 - 414 Request-URI Too Large

Any update on this? It’s gotten a lot worse. I do have some large Soundsets. It’s happening on almost every change I make now. Seems to happen when a change in the soundsest pane happens.

Sounds like your SoundSet might be too large indeed.

Can you let me know the name of one that is being effected.

AND/OR try halving the size of one… literally dividing content/samples/moods in two between two new SoundSets?

NOTE: this is not something we have EVER heard from anyone else yet… so it COULD also be something weird like a filename that is just massively stupidly long or something.

I went to get the name of the sound set and started clicking around. It was no longer doing it. I’ll try again tomorrow. Strange… Did you guys find something and fix it?

Actually, it is doing it. I refreshed the window and it started doing it again. The soundest is a custom one I made called “Tomb of The Nine Gods” The number is 45740. I think it started doing the same thing on my “Tomb of Antihalation” Soundset. I have uploaded a few tracks. It may have started doing it when I did that, but I don’t think any had crazy long file names.

You have heard of it from me in the past, I have been plagued with the same error and problem. I emailed support last year in November but after a few emails they stopped responding completely which left me wondering if I should continue paying for this service.

I am a d&d DM and need a large amount of elements together so I don’t have to spend many hours digging through the large libraries of Syrinscape. I tried to split up my massive element dump where I gathered elements I like and use a lot into - Weather - Music - Elements. It does help some but the issue is very persistent. It also made creating moods a way more tedious and time consuming process. So splitting things up further would be a very frustrating experience not to mention the large amount of time it takes to split them.

I don’t have the technical knowledge to offer advice on how to fix this. I can only hazard a suggestion that maybe if you were to buff up the servers to handle a large library this might help? It’s very easy to test and reproduce this issue by adding a lot of elements into a soundset. I would be happy to help further test things to try and find a fix.


I see an exchange back and forth in November and then one reply from you, with, indeed, no reply from us. Sorry about that. But have there been some other emails we missed. I see a request just today that we have already responded to. It might be best to have this conversation on Support and then make sure you forward us a bump on any emails we don’t seem to have responded to. We are VERY happy to help out, so don’t hesitate to ask for help again if you don’t seem to have been heard! :slight_smile:

Sorry, @chief.ahusaka, just noticed your reply. Do note support at syrinscape dot com is always a better place to get a timely response. :slight_smile:

Either way, I’ll look into this now.

I’ve looked at this SoundSet of yours:

That indeed, is WAY too big.

Depending on the quality of your internet connection, the Master UI will have trouble downloading the data it needs before it times out and gives up… which is probs what is happening.

I recommend at LEAST halving the size of this SoundSet… thirding it would be better.

You can see the size of the download by looking at it in the Fantasy Player (we are going to add this as something visible to the Online Player too)

Looking there it says it is 330+MB.

I recommend trying to avoid going beyond 150MB

How big is yours @ dawnbreaker1883

For context. The concept of a SoundSet (to us here), is that it supports a single location or encounter… has everything there it needs for that, AND 5 - 10 songs to support that situation.

Does that all make sense?

I could be wrong, but I don’t think the size of the player audio being downloaded has anything to do with this bug. This bug is not on the player side. This is on the master interface side. It seems to me that the way this has been implemented to use your service layer: too much of the interface chat/exchange with the json service layer is being sent across on a single query string (ie. using a GET). Take a look at this post or pass it on to your developers. It think it will help you find a resolution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2891574/how-do-i-resolve-a-http-414-request-uri-too-long-error

FYI: I have been organizing and shrinking the number of Moods and Elements inside a soundset to help remediate this issue. That helps, but it is only me putting a Band-Aid on an issue that can only be resolved by your development team.

You are absolutely right, it is the data dump that has to get from our server to the Master UI… I was just using the download size in the Fantasy Player as an easy human readable indicator of the size of that dump.

Checking against one typical and one of the largest official Syrinscape SoundSets on the server:

Bustling port town (typical)
32MB Download size
35 Elements
167 Samples

cos into the mists (overly large in my opinion = Barry does that)
178.9MB Download size
82 elements
749 samples

330MB Download size
207 elements
1241 samples

I think it’s pretty clear here, that your SoundSet is reaching the extreme end of what we designed for.

That said, yes, I’ll make up a ticket for the dev team and use your SoundSet as a test case. :slight_smile: :bug: :gun:

I sent an email response but have yet to hear back so I will try here. I am using the online player for my d&d session only, not the other thing where you download stuffs.

My Element Dump soundset is missing which had a very large amount of elements and my soundset Witchwood 19. I have another custom Witchwood 37 but 19 was my old one I need back. I was in the middle of trying to rename and sort things out better so if I got the names wrong I apologize. The main thing is the element dump if you look around for it, it should have an insane amount of elements in there. I was suffering from 414 Request-URI Too Large error for over a year and I am wondering if this had something to do with it.

Soz about that.

I see your response on support, I’ll reply there. :slight_smile:

Going to post here because it seems faster to get a response then emailing. Just so others are aware this error may lead to your entire soundset being poofed. I lost two of my massive soundsets and dozens of hours of work are simply gone. I contacted support via email and they were unable to locate them. I can say with a 99 percent certainty I did not delete them, I am a very careful person especially when it comes to my work.

I will do what I can to tone things down however I am very creative so I can easily create some large ones. It can also be a very tedious process looking through the large library of soundsets every time I want to make a new one and I am just trying to find certain elements.

Before I try to rebuild and invest more time / money, I need to know is the large size of soundsets going to indeed be addressed and fixed at all? I know you said you put in a ticket to your dev team awhile back so I was wondering if there was any hope? My trust in the platform has been ruined because I am worried that any further work might get deleted currently.

Oo! Sorry @dawnbreaker1883

From our email exchange I ended up with the impression that we had accounted for all your important content, and that the only one you were missing didn’t matter toooooo much.

We will look further back in the backups (we must have not gone far enough back). There was probably a bigger gap between the disapearance/deletion and your report to us than we thought. Loading up the database from backup is a fairly big job for a dev person (it’s VERY BIG), but we’ll do it again for you.

NOTE: is is extremely unlikely that these 414 errors have have anything to do with your SoundSet disappearing… = we’ve NEVER had another similar report. I just mentioned the size again, because I suppose it is an outside chance(?)

Either way, stay tuned…

Sorry I didn’t realise you were up to “trust in the platform has been ruined” :frowning:

I’ll see what I can do to fix this up! :smiley:


I’ve sent you another email via support.

@chief.ahusaka @dawnbreaker1883 Thanks for following up on this 414 error and missing soundset issue.

I spent some time digging through older backups today and I did find the “element dump” soundset (in a 16 March backup). I have restored it to production just now. It certainly was large with >200 elements, >1,400 samples, and >3,000 records in the database.

I do not know how it came to be deleted, and I do not think the 414 error or soundset size is related to the deletion. However, I am glad that I was able to locate and restore it.

Unfortunately I was still unable to locate the “witchwood 19” soundset. Perhaps it was both created AND deleted in between backups. Do you know roughly when it was created and last accessed?

The 414 error though was related to soundset size. One of the requests the master interface makes on navigating into a soundset is to fetch sample data by passing IDs as query string parameters in the URL. In this case, the URL was >20,000 characters long with >1,400 IDs.

I have updated the code to send the IDs another way to avoid this web server limitation. However, this is still a LOT of data and we really do recommend working with smaller sized soundsets.

I will add an issue to our backlog to consider how we manage soundset size moving forward, and also the ways in which a soundset may be deleted.

If anyone does experience an unexplained data loss issue, please contact support@syrinscape.com right away and let us know:

  1. The name, type, ID of the deleted content.
  2. The date when you think it was last still available in the system.
  3. The date when you first noticed it was missing.

If there are any data loss bugs, we will absolutely work hard to squash them and recover any lost data.

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Thank you so much for restoring that, I see it back with my sets now. Element Dump was the most important thing with dozens of hours digging through the libraries finding elements I liked. I can live without the other and I don’t want to take up more of your time. Witchwood Custom 19 was one of my oldest soundsets but thankfully it’s not the end of the world losing that one. Yeah it’s very weird how it poofed, I have a million things open on my PC while I am running a d&d session yet I am very careful and I don’t think I deleted it.

Glad to hear an improvement was made to help avoid this error and more improvement’s are coming in the future. Another suggestion I have is to maybe have an official element style dump. We can favorite elements from across the vast library and things then they go into an ultra compressed soundset which we can then quickly build new soundsets with our favorite things?

Thanks again for all the help and restoring it. I am just happy I can get back to work on Syrinscape now, this app has been fantastic besides these two issues. I can’t imagine running a session without it :smiley:


Thanks for your suggestion of a “favourites” feature. I have added that to the list of considerations RE large soundsets.