Winter Camp Effects

Wondering if anyone has found any sound effects that include a campfire in the winter? I found a couple of “Icy” sets but nothing that includes a fire going too. And any campfire sound effect I’ve ever found, has crickets and things going on…which sort of ruin the idea you are in the snow/winter.

Okay, try the Icy Forest, or any of the Icy sets for winter wind and whatnot, but then go to the Elements - Fire set and use the element “fireplace” or “brazier flames”. That gives a nice cracking fire, and just the fire, with no crickets!

Yes, one of the best things about Syrinscape is that you can mix and match and control each element. So if you don’t want the crickets or insects turn that element off. Or if one of our icy set’s doesn’t have a fire then add one in from another set that you have access to. Save that as a new mood and now you have a campfire in the icy wilds :grin:

Is there a video on how to do that somewhere?

Yes there are;

This video shows how to easily do it using the Fantasy or Sci-fi Players

And this video shows how to work with moods in the Online Player and Web Player. A Supersyrin subscription unlocks full customization and heaps of useful tools for building your own content. But even without a subscription Syrinscape is easy to customize and this Video talks a little more on that!

I hope that all helps! :grin: