Is there any move to add windows touch screen support to Syrinscape? I’d like to use my surface 3 to control sounds but requiring a mouse to scroll through moods and sounds defeats much of the purpose. The way it works on tablets is great. Thanks.
Yes, this would be great.
Windows touch support was unsupported (in Unity) last time we tried, but we’ll have another look for our next release.
In the meantime… you CAN grab the tiny thin scrollbar, but that can be a bit fiddly!
Sorry about the hassle! Here is to say sorry!
Just wanted to second this request - I also use a Surface to run my games and can control all of my apps fine with touch (even some really old Win32 apps) except for Syrinscape. Improving the basic scrolling behavior in particular would go a long way since the super thin scrollbar is a nightmare to use with touch.
this is just a reminder per your request to bug you about things we want. Super want better touch support! End Transmission.
*Transmission received
Not to sound like a broken record, but any update on better Windows touch support? The Syrinscape scrollbar is literally the only reason I need a mouse connected to my tablet.
Here’s a to compensate!?!