Why do I have only some of the Global OneShots?

Global OneShots are attached to different SoundSets and will appear once you purchase and download them. All of the Global OneShots can be unlocked by becoming a SuperSyrin subscriber. If you’d prefer to hunt them down individually, here’s where you can find them:

In the Fantasy Player:
The Swords, Arrows, and Spells are in “Bugbear Battle”
The Cheesy Musical Stings are in “Stony Beach”
The Wilhelm Scream is in “Tavern Brawl”
The Modern Guns and Explosions are in “Modern Weapons”

In the Sci-Fi Player:
The Flamethrower is in “Insectoid Hive”
The “Small Arms” & “Automatic” weapons fire are in “Giant Sandworm”
The Airlocks are in “Alien from Alien”
The Wilhelm Scream is in “Alien Cantina”

So, if I need the futuristic weapon sounds as gloabl one shots, for a modern city envireonment, I have to open both players? Because the “Modern Weapons” sound set for the fantasy player includes things like a taser or a shotgun, but the sci-fi player doesn’t?

Hey @zivi19m

  1. Make a Campaign for the Sci-Fi Player
  2. Add “Modern Weapons” to that Campaign
  3. Find Modern Weapons now in the Sci-Fi Player
  4. Install it
  5. Huzzah! :cake:

Let me know if you can work it out! :laughing: