Where to access payment details? - RESOLVED

I’ve been a SuperSyrin subscriber for years, but I’m about to be unemployed. How can I cancel?


Here is the info from our FAQ that you need to be able to cancel your subscription.

But MOST importantly, THANKS for the support you’ve been able to give! We look forward to having you back, as soon as possible!

Thank you, and you’re welcome. :slight_smile: I came here for the sci-fi sets and the pace seems to have slowed, so when employment is back and sci-fi plans are made, I’ll be back too!

Do be aware then that Cyberpunk Red is released next month and we have a LOT of new Sci-fi content ready to go with it :slight_smile:

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There’s also some cool “Wild West” SoundSets coming pretty soon. :slight_smile:

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