Where do I find a campaign in the fantasy player?

I’m very new to Syrinscape and I downloaded the fantasy player to my pc a couple of weeks ago. 2 days ago I made a fantasy campaign. Where do I find that in the fantasy player? I’ve tried searching for the name of it and reloading the player. I’d like to use it tomorrow night because I’ll be somewhere with no internet.

At the very top left where it says “All SoundSets” Click that and you should now see a list of pre-sorted campaigns such as Purchased, installed etc and any campaigns that you have made. Click the campaign that you want and now the app will only show you the SoundSets in your Campaign :slight_smile:

You might find this tutorial series helpful as well in getting you all set up; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFxKCQySfglwK2c4c0-MhYWrwuDLQbnZF


Thanks, I didn’t know that was clickable.

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