When are we getting a simple linking to Discord?!

When is the development team going to make it easy to tag team Syrinscape into a Discord channel? I have seen some forums indicating that this might have been in the works since 2020.

There are a bunch of work arounds on the internet using Virtual Audio Cables and Banana, but they only work until Discord sends out their next update and breaks the link. And then you have to do the 2 hour linking process all over again… if you can remember how without looking it up again.

I just signed up for Syrinscape Online for a second time, but after I did, it indicated that the synchronizing with the players wasn’t currently working and that I should stream it to then another way that i did not totally understand. I want to - through Discord!

There are 100,000’s or people on Discord, you would think it would be a profit model no-brainer to connect…


I use Kenku FM to do this. It’s a desktop app that you download. Takes a little setup initially then you navigate to Syrinscape Web Player and send the output to your Discord voice channel. Works like a charm!


Following on from @bradtaylor407’s comment, the 6-minute guide video for setting Kenku FM up with Discord can be found here (and it also shows Syrinscape as one of the user-bookmarked streaming sites):

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THANK YOU people for jumping in and helping here.

That’s the idea of these forums. :pizza: :beers:

Hope there’s something there that you can use @rcinnes1 = let us know how you go! :slight_smile:

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Just to add a small +1 for the answer. I also use Kenku and it is basically solving all the issues for me. Not sure what solution you’ve been using with Voicemeeter (I use it as well) with Discord. Quite curious tho!

I have set up Kenku too, but whenever Discord updates (weekly) it breaks the link, and I have to do the setup all over again. It would be nicer to have something like this with a designated Discord link, for those of us with limited time for screwing around and limited tech knowledge to customize this stuff.

I just want to point out that I have been with Syrinscape since the beginning, and LOVE the desktop player immensely. I totally gets me in the mood for writing my fantasy scenes for my games. However, the online player is way less friendly to use.

Ever since covid hit and the world of RPG went online I have been trying to get this to work on-and-off to little or no success. Honestly, I just want something simple and easy.

I totally second this! The desktop player is excellent, the online player not so much.

Ability to link the desktop player to discord would make this product a 11/10!

I’m going to investigate how hard it would be to fix Kenku to talk WAY more easily to Syrinscape. Or whether Kenku might be forked to make a version permalinked to Syrinscape = things like that.

Another question occurs to me:

What would need to change about the online (Web) player to make it as good as the Fantasy Player to use? (because fixing the Web Player is another solution, right?)


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Thanks for the reply Benjamin!

The worst part about the web player is that you dont have the ability to archive any of the soundsets. They are all available so there is alot of clutter.

I have bought alot of them, but for a single game i mostly use around 3-5.

In the desktop player you can download only the ones you will use for the single game session so just with a little preparation you can cut down the search time immensely. And of course when they are preloaded even the download time is 0. So its just alot more efficient way to use Syrinscape. But now that our group is split around scandinavia the only way to play is via VTT:s

Even with these minor problems let me be clear! I love it, the players love it and it has given us alot concerning the atmosphere of the game.

Hi @erkki.nordberg, you can use the “Campaigns” feature to build a list that only contains the SoundSets that you use during your sessions. Then in the Web Player you simply select the campaign and now the only SoundSets shown in the left hand column are the ones you selected. you can even import ready built Campaign lists for all of our published adventures.

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Well that was an easy fix for the biggest problem. Thanks Steve, dont know how I missed that!

Now if we just could preload the soundsets so the lag wouldnt be a problem. :slight_smile:

But this helped alot, you learn something new every day

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