What is the most LotR music in Syrinscape

For someone who reached out to our support email.

What is the MOST Howard Shore (Lord of the Rings) music in Syrinscape… I can think of a few… but I reckon there are people in the community who would have LOTS of ideas. :slight_smile:


OK! Music that sounds most LotR, thoughts from me!

So, we are basically looking for epic fantasy orchestral, right? Here are a few ideas…
The winding way battle music in Ghosts of Saltmarsh: https://app.syrinscape.com/#/?q=ghosts%20of%20saltmarsh&element=295908&soundset=14832&tags=6
The Victory music from The Final Enemy: https://app.syrinscape.com/#/?q=ghosts%20of%20saltmarsh&element=345853&soundset=14826&tags=6
The Stormwreck Isle big battle music: https://app.syrinscape.com/#/?q=stormwreck&element=2835983&soundset=168494&tags=6
Most of the music in Temple of the healing hand: https://app.syrinscape.com/#/?q=healing%20hand&element=1356342&soundset=87586&tags=6
The Sweeping Catan theme: https://app.syrinscape.com/#/?q=catan&element=4192&soundset=99&tags=6
Lots of the music in the Witchlight adventures: https://app.syrinscape.com/#/?element=1819844&soundset=112216&tags=6&q=wild%20beyond
The Hero music in the Phandelver adventures: https://app.syrinscape.com/#/?element=312139&soundset=16067&tags=6&q=icespire

@HECook, any other ideas? :slight_smile:

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Shadows of Esteren would be another option. It’s a bit more gothic, but still has an epic feel.