Web Player Sound Volume for DM

Hi There,
I recently purchased a new computer which allows me to finally use the Syrinscape Web Player. Yah!

But, when testing out the Web Player with my friends for an upcoming online D&D session, I noticed I had no way to adjust my personal volume of the Web Player as the players do; I only have the ability to adjust the Global Volume, which in turn adjusts the volume for all my players.

I tried muting the web site through the web browser, then launching the share audio link for Syrinscape, thinking I could use the same player volume via the shared link to adjust the volume for myself. But muting the Syrinscape site mutes the share audio link as well because it also originates from the Syrinscape site.

My question is, how do I as the DM adjust my personal volume for Syrinscape without adjusting the Global Volume? There must be a way, right?

Any help is appreciated, as our next gaming session is this Friday (two days away), and I’m hoping to get this resolved so that I can run the D&D session with Syrinscape.

Hi @acroyear4,

Soooo, our concept of the volume on your Web Player is:

  1. you set your volume so that you are comfortable with the audio level

  2. the players naturally do the same so they are happy with what they are hearing

  3. as the game goes on you continue to adjust the volume to your taste, thus automatically ALSO raising or lowering they volume for your players as well

  4. i.e. if you start something and it seems a little loud for you (it will also be a little loud for your players) so that volume is fixed for EVERYONE by YOU adjusting your volume. One tweak fixes it for everybody

  5. The same works for you WANTING something suddenly louder, or softer or whatever.

Does that make sense?

But of course you CAN work around this. You might simply:

  1. Mute your Web Player (e.g. mute the TAB in Chrome)

  2. Open your OWN Player version using the same SHARE link you have shared with your players

  3. now you can adjust the volume for yourself, as if you were a player, without effecting everyone else.

Let us know if any of this works for you and how you go! :slight_smile:

And MOST importantly, good hunting!

Thanks, Ben! That is helpful information. Steve also got back to me as well as I had also sent a message for tech support, and his reply was similar.

I did use the Web Player during our Friday session with just the Global Volume for me, and it seemed to work out fairly well for both me and the players. We have another online session this Friday, and I’m going to stick with the Global Volume and see how it goes. slight_smile:

he he

This is probably a good thing. :smiley:

Cools. Thanks for letting me know here too. And hope you games go swimmingly! :pizza: :beers:

Give us some more feedback as you get even more familiar with how everything CURRENTLY works, so we can make it work even better where there are the best opportunities to do that! :robot: :hammer: