We are excited to announce the Syrinscape Web Player!

Don’t use the web player. Or is that too obvious.

That way you don’t need to disable it.

Or open the web player in just one browser and create your own moods or sound sets.


As far as I understand the sound playing out of your browser will be in the format your system has set. I haven’t confirmed this carefully, but working plugged into my surround system the other day seemed to be showing this to be the case… of course it’s all about codecs and plugs and things…

…can someone confirm? :slight_smile: :robot: :hammer: :beers:

Edit: further Googling suggests, yes, surround IS a thing.

Morning. :slight_smile:

To control the actual Online Player app, go here:
https://syrinscape.com/online/master/#/ (like you used to)
(instead of the Web Player app… page)

Makes sense? :slight_smile:

So I’m having major issues with static and jittery audio with the web player. Honestly at this point it’s useless for me, so I’ve continued to use the online player. Anyone resolved this issue? I’ve tried Chrome and Firefox.

Have you tried Kenku FM? I’ve had no issues at all with my sound.

Thanks for your reply. No I have not used Kenku FM, which if I understand correctly, is a integrated player for Discord. I suppose that could be an option, but really, I’m already using the online player which my players are connecting to so Kenku FM would be redundant. Unless I’m missing something here?

Mainly, I would use the web player for myself when creating soundsets and moods as I don’t have to launch the online player all the time (minor inconvenience). What could I do to ensure the sound quality of the web player through my browser? The tool is advertised as a web browser player, but as it stands, it’s not doing what it’s supposed to. Any other solutions? Anyone else experiencing this issue?


So we are basically looking at a performance issue for your device. We tested the Web Player on a range of devices in-house and did discover SOME which sturuggled.

So things:

  1. what IS your device, how old is it etc
  2. try different browsers, especially a browser where NO other tabs are open = basically sound breaks up where a device is near capacity and the browser decides to go and do some other things for a while
  3. we are also working on performance things to help these older devices (switching off visualisation) (auto reducing the number of simultaneous samples playing, by invisibly fading out stuff that is old/very soft/unneeded etc) (lots of other fancy things)

Have a go with 2. in case that works for you, otherwise you can always hop back tot he Online Player app for the moment until we impliment some of 3.

All makes sense? :slight_smile:

Perhaps there is something perculiar about the way the browser view in Kenku is setup such that it is ‘lighter’ or ‘more deidcated’ or something so that it is running the Web Audio API more reliably?

Some investigations may be necessary!

Note: when I first released the Blaster Battle SoundSet in the stand alone Unity Sci-Fi Player that SoundSet struggled on some devices (so I made ‘lite’ versions of the moods)… then device performace just improved and improved till the issue went away… I suspect the same may happen with some of the devices struggling with the VERY rich content that is Syrinscape running… also the API might get better! AND in the meantime we will work on improving things too! :slight_smile:

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Depending on what device you are using, we may have some more specific advice. :slight_smile: :robot: :hammer: :pizza: :fire:

I didn’t understand exactly how to disable the web player. Sorry.

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Thats what i have been doing, but the problem persists. The interface shows me a notification that there may be some players using the web player and some using the app, but i dont know if its me opening multiple tabs at once or other players who have accepted the invite i sent.

Thanks for writing back Ben, I’m digging the CEO answering my questions!

1- My device is an Acer Nitro AN525-57 laptop. It has an I7 processing core with 2.30 GHz. I have 16 GB of ram. I have a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050. I’m currently running windows 11 64-bit OS. I hope my device is sufficient…

2- I do tend to have a lot of tabs open in my browser, including Roll20, Syrinscape, 5e Tools, and sometimes another tab for general Google searches. I also use discord to chat with my players and Voicemod for custom voices. I have yet to try opening another browser so I will give that a try and report back. I’ll also try cutting on some of the tabs to see if that helps. I can always do 5e tools and other online searches on my phone.

3- Definitely looking forward to any forthcoming upgrades. In the meantime I am very content with the online player. It’s very stable and offers the best sound in the space IMHO. You guys at Syrinscape have increased the immersion of my game without a doubt, so my players and I thank you for it! It’s like having heated seats in a car. My players are now spoiled and can’t see themselves palying the game without it. By the way, is the plan to replace the online player with the web player? I certainly hope not… Are there any plans to taylor the online player for mobile devices as well? I love listening to my moods when washing the dishes, but the online player on a mobile device is kind of clunky.

Thanks again Ben and the team for the awesome product and the excellent support.

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Hi. I am using Foundry VTT module. Will it be updated to latest Foundry v10 version ? It is not working stable now and it is marked as V9 compatible - not for new version. When I start sound it is not playing. I am using Chrome and have Foundry hosted on my virtual server

Hi there,

Just to be clear here, are you using Foundry v10 now?

As of last night, it was working perfectly for me on V9 through chrome and through Kenku!

@frondeus did mention to me that it should work on v10 however I’m sure he’ll be able to elaborate further.

Thanks for reply.
Yes I am using FoundryVTT v10.
I have found that I need to open new tab with syrinscape web, login to my account and click on “play now”. After that is all transfered to site app.syrinscape.com. Now when I open new tab with FondryVTT and try syrinscape module it works.
Is possible to have it working without this - to have only FoundryVTT opened in tab without another tab with app.syrinscape.com ?
I tried to recreate API key, but it not helped.

When you go to the sound or musical note icon in the top right, click on that, at the top have you got the option to search for a soundset?

I think you need to search in there then import to your world before you can play what you want. Although technically it’s not importing it’s just linking to Syrinscape web player.

Do this without Syrinscape open in another tab.

Also have you updated the Syrincontrol module to the latest version.

I’m working on an update. Currently, the recent pre-release version might not work on v10.

I have module updated and integrated. So I could select soundsets.
When I press play on some mood, FoundryVTT shows notification it is playng it.
But I do not hear any sound. Only if i login to app.syrinscape.com in another tab then it is ok.
I looked in code and console in browser and it says it could not find link to syrinscape:Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Link is here:
After I go to this link syrinscape web shows it does not exist. That is maybe error in module…

Thanks. It is good to have it. Syrinscape is wonderfull

Thank you, so much, @frondeus, for the AWESOME work you have done with your extension! AND in particular in taking what we’ve built in the Web Player and making it something that can happen INSIDE Foundry (once all the updating etc is all worked out). :slight_smile:

You are amazing! :fire: :beers: :pizza: :trophy: