This is a very useful program but needs a few fixes (selecting output device/s a big one). Right now I have difficulty using it because the ambient noise is so low compared to effects that I have to either turn it way up and not use the effects, or turn it way down and be unable to hear the ambient sound. Roughly, the ambient noise is around 1/3 of the volume of the deafening effects.
Just wondering if anyone has had luck adjusting these.
Welcome to the forums, and to the world of NOISE that is Syrinscape.
I reckon we are looking for a bug in your speaker setup here. Do you get the same result on:
Other devices
Different speakers?
That said a few other people have also experienced this bug and we’ve had trouble tracking it down so far.
Two solutions are available for you:
Our next version for the Players will have a separate volume slider for the OneShots, so you’ll be able to adjust the volume of the OneShots relative to everything else, but that’s not really a fix so much as a patch.
Grab the creator and do you own custom mixes of the SoundSets that worry you… once again… that’s a bit of a weird way of fixing a broken speaker setup up.
Have you tried adjusting the speaker settings under settings or connecting to your speakers in a different way.
The OneShots are most often centered in the mix, so any speaker setup that gives preference to sounds in both left and right channels will naturally make these sounds louder. (which could be by device or by speakers)
Can you send me a recording of a SoundSet running with the big difference in volume? And I can send you a sample of me running one and see if they are really different.
It’d be great to get to the bottom of this weird one.
As for selecting outputs check out these threads re that sort of stuff:
I think virtual audio cable should make that work for you.