.wav File Editor for Removing META data - FIXED

I have noticed several comments about deleting “META data” from an uploaded sound sample to prevent it from only playing a few seconds. I know you need a .wav file editor, and @benjamin mentions Acid Wave in his tutorial on gating - but it’s not available for download right now, if I understood the site correctly. Any other good free editors I can use? It’s just a copy/paste/resave to remove the unwanted data?
All help is greatly appreciated!

I use Audacity which is a free program. Whilst there are better paid music apps out there Audacity gives lots of really useful tools and is fairly easy to use. Better yet when saving a set it has a very simple ‘clear’ button to remove all meta data :grin:

Awesome! Thanks @Steve

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Ok… just to check:
I open the file I want to clean up in Audacity
I hit File>Edit Metadata…
I hit the ‘clear’ button
Then I export it so it can be used in Syrinscape?

Cause I did that, but it’s still getting cut off in the SoundSet Creator. Did I miss something?

Hmmm yes that normally works. You could also load the track in and then export the sample, which gives you the option to clear meta data. I’m out at the minute but I think it’s ‘file’ and then ‘export sound’ and that should give you the option to delete all meta data. If I’m wrong or it’s still not working then if you want to send me the sample I can have a look tomorrow for you. If you put it in Dropbox or something similar and send me the link I can have a play. :grin:

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If you’re using Windows 10 you won’t need an extra program. Just right click the file, go to properties/details. There’s the option to clear all personalised data from the file. You can even choose, what you want to delete (which will be all in this case).


Thanks. I’ll try this too. I did get Audacity to work, but the less programs I keep on my hard drive the better, in my opinion.

Really!!! I’ve been using Audacity all this time :face_with_head_bandage:


Now that is a VERY useful hint! Derp!!! :smiley:

:beers: :cherries: