Want to know If i d would be able to use these sound samples here

Hey I use this site currently for my own music work samples but i was wondering if i can use it here in soundSet Creator

heres the site

here’s to royalty free agreement


Hi Shawn,
For personal use you can us any sound files that you have the rights to, so albums you’ve purchased, website clips etc. If you want to share the content then that’s were it gets more difficult and so you have to make sure you have the rights to use the material, Creative Commons, Public Domain and own made content are normally the safest bet for that.

Looking through the Audioblocks website and their FAQ it appears that as long as you have a subscription and using the sample adds ‘Substantive Value’ to your work then yes you are allowed to use their sounds.

"Our content may be used for nearly any project, commercial or otherwise, including feature films, broadcast, commercial, industrial, educational video, print projects, multimedia, games, and the internet, so long as substantial value is added to the content. (For example, incorporating an audio clip into a commercial qualifies, while reposting our audio clip on YouTube with no modification or no visual component does not.) Once you download a file it is yours to keep and use forever, royalty-free, even if you change your subscription or cancel your account. "

“Substantial value means that you are adding to the stock file such that the completed work is no longer recognizable as the original file. Editing a stock file into a larger media project generally suffices, but minor edits such as adding text or trimming length do not. However, it really depends on the original file itself and the nature of your edits. If you have questions about whether your edits constitute substantial value in a particular case, please contact us and include samples of your work.”

“Our content may not be: Resold or redistributed as standalone files; Used in any work which includes pornography, condones violence, or violates the privacy or publicity rights of any third party”

@Benjamin what are your thoughts on this, have I read it right?

If so then I’ll be joining up as well :smile:

Hi Steve’

yes for that part thats right , however for the next part I am really not sure with syrinscape soundset creator. because if users have access to original samples then i dont think you could.

“The Stock Files may not be: (i) sold, licensed or otherwise distributed on a stand-alone basis, as a stock file, shared with any non-licensed individuals including, but not limited to, colleagues or clients, or included in any other media or stock product, library, or collection for distribution or resale; (ii) used, in part or in whole, as a trademark or service mark, nor may you claim any proprietary rights of any sort in the Stock Files, or any part thereof; (iii) made available on a web page or other display as a separate or downloadable Reusable file; or(iv) disassembled, decompiled, reverse engineered, translated, or otherwise decoded. You may however, transfer Stock Files to a third party for the sole purpose of causing such third party to produce or manufacture Derivative Works subject to the terms and conditions herein. If you provide Stock Files to a client as part of your work product, the client may not reuse the Stock Files for any purposes other than a review of your work product without purchasing a separate license.”

What i think that means is if I were to change samples a bit like add reverb before up loading that would be ok for sure. Also if you just used the syrinscape app alone I think thats fine too. but i believe with the SoundSet creator, others having access to the originals and that could be a problem. thats where i am not sure being new to SoundSet Creator.

That part might require Ben reaching an agreement with the site or at least getting clarification for us, like he has with some others. I’d be keen to hear his thoughts as the site does look very promising

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Cool sweet look forward to hearing back. but in the mean time you might like this


Thanks, yeah I was introduced to Incompetech a few days ago and it’s a great resource. Can’t belive I’d not found it before. You should join us on Facebook at the Syrinscape Creators Guild. It’s a great place for sharing resources and ideas that’s open to everyone with an interest in the Creator.

cool thanks I joined !

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@benjamin, what are your thoughts on this? The more I read the licence agreement the more confused I get :roll_eyes:

Alright looking at this now… :slight_smile:

OK. I might get in touch with them directly and ask them.

It looks like the second block is problematic, because we do preserve the sample as a stand alone object that can be reused by others.

BUT the sample is really only usable inside the Creator… hmmm…

The INTENTION is obviously that people don’t just use the sample as something they can sell instead of using to make something out of, and we definitely satisfy that requirement.

Hi guys hope all is well,

so have we got any work if we can use these yet ?

Still awaiting a response from them.