Volume gain in elements (and loving the property inspector!)

Just wanted to give my quick compliments about the current property inspector. I haven’t used the master interface for some time as I am mostly happy with my current soundsets and only noticed it today when editing the volumes. I can’t remember it being this good in the past, so my retroactive compliments for whenever it was last updated! :slight_smile:

A quick query following up from that:
Am I correct in thinking that when I set the “gain” to “80% to 80%” that means that specific track will play at a max of 80% of its total volume compared to the other tracks in that element (all set to 100%)?


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Yep that is correct. (I’m just the sound designer and been using it like that, so I could be wrong :crazy_face:)

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I can confirm @ominousbarry does not mislead you! :cupcake: :fire:

And a big thanks for the comments! We are always working to make the apps even better and easier to use so comments like this really do make it worthwhile! Thanks on behalf of all the team :grin:

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Aaaah that’s amazing. I was really wanting a feature like this, and apparently it was there the entire time! Thanks so much folk!!!

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