Using the app and web player controller on same tablet


As the title says, I’d like to use both the app and the Web control on the same device (Samsung tab), except when I don’t have the app front and centre it doesn’t play anything.
The website audio feature is nice but it’s slow imo, and fills up the browser chace fast making it sluggish, and the audio isn’t as crisp (has pops like a dusty recordplayer on my end).

Anyone have the solution?

Hi @sebastiaanbabyn,

Sooo… what you are looking for is multi-screen or multi-tasking… that way you’ll be able to keep both apps in the foreground and the sound won’t stop.

OR… do what I do, and just use an old phone or something to run the Online Player APp… have it plugged into the stereo system, that way you can control with the Web Interface on your tablet = which does NOT need to stay in the foreground.

And yes, on a not SUPER powerful device, the Web Player will pop and click a bit.

Let us know how you go, and whether I have given you any useful info at all! :smiley:

Good hunting! :game_die: :bug: :crossed_swords:


If you would be so kind to enable multi window view on the next update I’d be most grateful!