Ultimate Games Master Kickstarter

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to make you aware of this Kickstarter from our friends over at The Ultimate Games Master. It’s been years in the making and they’ve fully integrated Syrinscape into it.

Everything you need for your game, including Syrinscape, all in one place. Very cool.

Check it out: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sketchwork/the-ultimate-games-master-ugm


Wow. Very ambitious given how many tabletops are already out there. Doesn’t seem like it has received much hype yet and kickstarter is winding down. I’ll try to get the word out a bit more as it looks pretty impressive.


Thanks, yeah it looks really impressive. Could be a great solution for people wanting to run everything from just one app.

I agree. Just afraid it will get lost without more promotion. I did just tweet about it if you want to like and/or retweet. Thanks for posting!


Thanks @lordgwydione, very much appreciated!


Thanks for the shout-out guys. Any questions please ask away!


I’ll be doing proper posts about it today, Ive been sharing your kickstarter in various discord apps in the hopes of it getting a little more exposure. Would have been great to see you at UKGE for a proper demo and a chat but alas, it was not meant to be.

Wishing you all the best with it though, looks great and I think the fact that it has everything in one place, including Syrinscape fully integrated will solve a lot of problems for DM/GM’s.

In terms of controlling Syrinscape from within UGM, would a DM still need to have anything at all open for Syrinscape or is it all controlled directly from within the UGM? Would the players still need to have the online player open? How do they hear the sound?

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Just bumping this. With 10 days left to go, it still hasn’t reached its funding goal.

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