Trouble with blessing device

I installed syrinscape on my computer but when I try to use it it tells me to bless this device. I’ve blessed and unblessed my laptop several times but it keeps giving me the same message.

It also keeps saying my device isn’t link in the online player


I’ve manually cleared all your blessed devices. Have a go now.

Also: if you are needing a timely response the support email is sometimes a better option.

Not in this case though… we spotted this one pretty quick! :smiley:

Let us know how u go.

Nope still not working. Getting the same prompt to bless the device.

You shooooould be able to use the Online Player, in the meantime?

Check the instructions on this page:
And see if u can get that to work?

Hey @tristanradu,

The dev guys say they have made some progress.

Wanna try again?

Working now?

Also maybe: watch out for ACTUAL GOBLINS!


AND if it is still not working for you…

…since we are pretty sure this prob is only affecting the Offline Players.

Consider getting yourself setup with the Online Player instead, while we continue working…

Find info on getting that done here:

Let us know how you go!

Seem to be working now. Thank you!

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Excellent. We are still working on a proper long term fix, but things do seem stable again.

Once again, note: the Online Player was unaffected, so if you need sound, grab that…

…either way… Enjoy all the noise! :slight_smile: :smiley: