Tim is hard at work on the next chapter of Tomb at the moment.
Please do bare in mind that we are a small team, working over multiple different licences with new releases almost every Wednesday. Those releases are spread over all of our different licences.
TOA is a huge adventure, with lots of unique sounds. It’s also very sandbox in nature, meaning that we can’t account for the exact order that players or DM’s will take the adventure. Which makes building the content for it a lot more time consuming that our stand alone SoundSets or more linear adventures. We also work closely with the publishers to make sure that the sounds and music we create reflect the adventures as they want them telling.
You can always see a list of what we have released and what we are working on in our release schedule.
But TOA 2, part 3 is on its way and is sounding great so far. As soon as it is completed and approved by Wizards it will be released