The Thing / Who Goes There?

Setting up a game based on Who Goes There, the book that became The Thing.

Antarctic lab, so the sounds of science with the frozen wastes just outside. Paranoia, lurking alien danger.

I can see lots of sounds for ice planets / wastelands and there are a ton of alien lab sounds. But they’re spread over various boards on the Fantasy and Sci-Fi apps. So before I go buying and combining multiple SoundSets… does anyone know of a is a good one to use as a base? Something that will cover most of what I’m looking for?


Okay, so as you said, there’s several possibilities to combine. Nothing outright combines both lab and arctic, but I can try to give you the most bang for your buck.

These are all in the Sci-Fi Player:

Alien Laboratory - good for various scenes of them dealing with The Thing, contains various sounds of tools, medical equipment, and gross organic sounds.

Mountains of Madness OR Frozen Moon - both sets contain icy winds and walking through snow. Frozen Moon additionally has sounds of distant beast and space suit breaths. Mountains of Madness has sled dogs, sleds, horror stingers, and some weird sounds. Mountains of Madness may be more suited.

Government Facility - this has horror sounds and additional lab/base sounds. It also includes helicopter sounds. Best of all, it is all of a slightly older tech base, so fits in with the timeline of The Thing.

I hope that helps!

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Great leads, thank you. From the sound of it, Mountains of Madness and Govt Facility might be the winning combo. Appreciate the recommendations!


If you want the John Carpenter music feel, I have created a load for the Escape From New York sound set. If you type in the library search “MUSIC EFNY” this will list all the tracks. Some will fit perfectly for the thing, while others are too upbeat


Totally agree! :cupcake: :beers:

If you are using the SEARCH panel.

  1. filter by Music Elements
  2. type escape from new york

That’ll get you all the music elements as well.


And here’s a screenshot of me doing that, just to be clear to be clear. :smiley:

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I did actually start build a “Thing” soundset, but then work load just blew up like a certain outpost. Maybe I will get back to it when things quiet down

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