The D&D logo element doesn’t produce sound - RESOLVED


New subscriber and came for the Dragon Heist content but look forward to using much more.

Regarding DH, I’ve downloaded all the Dragon Heist Soundsets for my player (currently using Windows) and none of the elements labeled “Official D&D” generate any sound. All other elements are working just fine.

I loaded the soundsets up in the creator to use property inspector on the “Official D&D” elements and I can see activity in the meter but I still hear no sound for these elements. What gives? Am I doing something wrong?

Kind regards,

He he. @ailgheanan

Those OneShots are simply just there as a badge to designate the content as official D&D content.

  1. Do you reckon I should make them say something? Maybe the name of the adventure that “dh” stands for?
  2. OR It would be a bad thing to have a OneShot there that could be easily accidentally triggered by big thumbs and potentially break immersion?

@HECook @Gwydion @new_vision
What do you think?


I do think its a good idea to indicate the the soundset is part of a WotC licensed adventure. I’m not sure using a OneShot placeholder is the best method but if it is the only method, then I’m sure it will continue to work fine. Perhaps instead the soundset tile background could have an official watermark on it.

  1. Nah, don’t make the element actually say anything or have a sound for the reason given in your second list item
  2. See above. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick response.

The accidental activation could be an issue, I agree with that.
But it would be cool to have a oneshot “introduction” to the campaign. Something like “Welcome to Dungeons&Dragon’s DRAGON HEIST!” Idk if that would be too cheesy.
Watermarking the background could take the place of the oneshot and wouldn’t cause confusion, like ailgheanan suggested.
It all comes down to if there are restrictions/suggestions/favorites from WOTC.

I would give it a shot to include an intro text activated with the oneshot.