Technical problems? = YES = but RESOLVED NOW

Hi, having huge problems with the player right now!! Online Player won’t stay connected, element buttons and moods are non-responsive in the Master Interface!!
Any advice?! Got a game later & want to give my players the full experience!!!

Yeah… we had a BIG BUMP for about half an hour there.

Looks like it’s all working again now!

We’ve been up till 2.00am getting things back on the rails and so the dev team is hitting bed now… but we’ll be up again first thing and will check in then.
(all Sydney time)

Looks like it’s all good still though. Let us know if YOU see anything weird again.

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Huge thanks for the swift, effective response!
Hopefully it doesn’t give you any more headaches in the morning!!
As I said on Twitter (phoenixiwaki) love the service!!! :blush:


Is there an outage again?
No moods or elements will play!

Back on. Was there some maintenance?
Is there somewhere to check for notices of down time?

@jaloynes We typically deploy non-critical updates during quiet periods (usually after 04:00 AM UTC Tue-Fri), although even at the quietest of times there are still hundreds of connected players.

Usually these updates are deployed without any problems and should result in only a few seconds (literally 2-3) of service disruption. During those few seconds, play/stop commands in the online player may not work, but existing playback should be unaffected.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts things go wrong, and there may be a longer period of disruption while we deploy a fix. That’s what happened this afternoon.

Everything should be back up now.

It is extremely rare that we need to schedule a long maintenance window to apply more time consuming updates, and we would post here on the forum if and when that becomes necessary.

Yes, checked again and everything was fine.
Thank you for the response

@sonofconan, the first thing that came to mind when you explained when you do updates, is how Blizzard Entertainment does things - I’ll be in a game or getting ready to go in a game, and I will get a notification that the server will he going down in X minutes, for X number of minutes.

Do you guys not broadcast to all connected users when you are downing the server, or have a notice that “tomorrow night at this time, the servers will be down for this long?”. For a cloud service, that is critical. I would be greatly upset if during my game a planned outage happened without me knowing, I would have been ready for plan B that session.

Just a thought.

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@dorpond This is a great idea and I’ve fleshed this out into a detailed ticket for the team.

I’m not sure that we need to send an alert for every single update, as we have tried hard to keep the potential disruption to a minimum (2-3 seconds), and you shouldn’t need to refresh the master interface and existing sounds should continue to play in the online player, etc.

Certainly your suggestion would be useful for anything more involved than that.

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It was working for me the last two hours then I had two new clients connect to me one being MacOS and no sound seems to stream at all. The web page doesn’t even seem to be starting the sounds up at all.