Technical help/how do I make this work?

Hi, having some problems with Syrinscape that I was wondering if I could get some information/advice on. I in the past run Syrinscape with the online master interface, having my players join with the online player while I DM the session with Fantasy Grounds. I haven’t DM’ed in a while, but am preparing to do so again, and am preparing Tomb of Annhilation as soon as 5.5 is available.

I have therefore been going over all the sound for ToA, editing it, adding links/triggers in Fantasy Grounds, that sort of thing. When I was using it before, sometimes when you would trigger sounds through the interface, there would be a delay, sometimes nothing would happen, that sort of thing. What I’ve now noticed is that when I’m trying to work with the sound - playing it and adding/subtracting items - frequently things don’t play, it doesn’t work, etc. It seems “lagged out” frequently, especially at certain times of the day. In short it’s not working that well when I’m trying to use it.

There could be several different reasons for this, perhaps it’s my browser, perhaps it’s something else? I did hear that google chrome may not play nice sometimes with the interface, so is that a problem? Just wondering what I can do about that.

The second thing that I’m curious about is that it’s possible to run Fantasy Grounds as a LAN, I’ve been thinking of doing an in person session and using FGU to present the module/maps/etc. I think that it’s possible to download the sound to my laptop and play it locally using the fantasy player. Is that true? How would I download the custom sound lists I’m creating on the online player? I’m adding a lot of custom content and creating sound for all of that, so I would need to have some way to handle that.

I don’t want to get too far into adding the links for online sound, only to then go and do local instead, so I appreciate the help/information.

Hiya @Kai_Lae,

There are a lot of good questions here.

Before I get started, can you clarify if you are using the actual Online Player app: (installable app)

Or the newer Web Player: (in Chrome)

AND are you using the newer official Syrinscape integration or one of the older community mods?

I think once I have that info, I should be able to help you more. :slight_smile:

AND NOTE: sorry for the slow response here. If you are looking for a quick response from the actual Syrinscape team, then the support email is always your BEST bet. :robot: :hammer:

im also running ToA but on FoundryVTT im not sure how to link it to the VTT, iv installed the Syrin Module, and thought id just have to make an Ambient sound marker then i could link that to the right room on Syrin but dont seem to be able to…any help is appreciated