T1-4 Temple of Elemental Suggestions?

Anyone have suggestions for T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil before I start working on it myself? I haven’t used Syrinscape in a while, so I’ve forgotten a lot of my favorites. I could probably get away with all of the generic stuff, but if any sound sets stand out, that would be great!

What kinds of locations and monsters do you need? I personally only have the D&D 3.0 Return To The Temple of Elemental Evil, so I don’t want to recommend stuff that isn’t in your version!


Let’s see, I want a lot, too much, lol. I’m planning on using the entire Verbobonc region and to just have a good foundation for future games. Going to make a list this time, so I don’t forget again!

Verbobonc - Major City
Village of Hommlet - large pleasant and bustling village
Village of Nulb - large, decrepit buildings, lots of crime, in a swampy area of the Gnarley woods.
Moathouse - old crumbling fortress in a swamp
Gnarly Woods - very large mysterious forest
Plains & Rolling Hills
Caves & Mountains
Surrounding Temple Ruins - evil, lots of ravens, gargoyle fights
Inside the Temple - ground level evil temple
The Temple dungeons below - general dungeons
The Elemental Nodes - Elemental planes ambiance maybe?

Sorry if the formatting is bad, I’m on a phone