Syrinscape stuck on load screen

Syrinscape no longer works on my Mac. Newest OS version. Uninstalled all files, used a system cleaner to be sure everything was gone, and it just freezes at startup. I’ve tried this twice now. I just bought an account for this and I’m not a fan of the web player UI.

Hi @fuelbxt,

Do you have any Custom Content = SoundSets you’ve build in the Online Player or Web Player?

The dev team may be able to help here, with an account bump.

In the meantime, you could pop in and make a tiny change to any content of yours to force a rebuild of the Fantasy Player Chapter data… in case it’s that.

@ryan.cassar help with an account content bump?

No, I haven’t made any custom soundsets yet in either player. I uninstalled it previously when I couldn’t get it to work with Discord, but I found out about the webplayer and decided to reinstall it.

I have gone and cleared out some of the cached data on our server @fuelbxt, in case that has been causing issues, so you can give it another go to see if that helped.

If not, then this is probably best handled via, but maybe you can provide a screenshot of what is happening, so we can better understand what App you are trying to use, and where it is getting stuck?

In particalar, the Web Player does not have anything to download and install, it runs entirely in the web browser (at, but it sounds like you might be trying to use either the Online Player (controlled via or one of the Offline Players (Fantasy, Sci-Fi or Board Game). Knowing which one it is will help direct where we go from here :slight_smile:

It’s the Fantasy Player. It just stays like this and never loads.

Great, it is probably waiting for all the required SoundSets to be loaded before dismissing the splash screen. This seems to work from a clean slate, so maybe we are looking at some corrupted local files. You might want to consider moving/renaming both of the following:

  1. ~/Library/Preferences/com.syrinscape.SyrinscapeFantasyPlayer.plist
  2. ~/Library/Application Support/com.syrinscape.SyrinscapeFantasyPlayer

This should give the Fantasy Player a chance to start again from scratch.

If you are uncomfortable messing with these files, we can first confirm that is the issue by trying to run the application with a different user on your machine. If you already have an alternative user, you can try logging in there, otherwise you can create a new user for this purpose, or try using the guest account.

Let me know if you need any help with the above!

Neither of those files were in my Preferences or Application Support folders. I tried with another profile, but got the same result.

Odd, I would have expected them to be there. The Preferences path is a file, and the Application Support path is a folder. Anything in either place with Syrinscape in the name? I think maybe some older versions stored them inside a Syrinscape folder, and newer versions might still read from there.

In any case, if you tried with another profile with the same results, that sounds like something else might be happening.

At this stage, I would move onto looking at the logging. After seeing it hang, giving it a good 1-2 minutes, then close and send contents of:

~/Library/Logs/Syrinscape/Syrinscape Fantasy Player/Player.log

to Hopefully we can help you from there!

I checked again and it isn’t even generating a log. And there are no Syrinscape folders anywhere on my system. I’m not sure what happened. I don’t think it’s installing properly, even though I cleaned the system before reinstalling it.

That is very strange indeed! The installation process for macOS should just be to copy the app over to wherever you want it and go for it.

I’m curious what app cleaner you are using, I have found these can often do a lot more harm than good, but not suspecting that is causing the app to not produce any logging.

There are some more technical things I can try to investigate what is going on here, but I think we have gone as far as we should in the forum and this should become a ticket in our support system. Have you sent an email to yet?