Syrinscape ProTip #08 - Using Syrinscape with Discord for Online Play

With the latest Windows Updates my SyrinScape is not sticking to the output that it was opened with. This has caused me to leave my output sound on my computer default to Virtual Cable Line 1 and every other program select output sound.

If SyrinScape (All platforms) could have an output select, that would be awesome. Actually I don’t see this on suggestions, So I am going to also write this there.

It is actually something that we have on our plan and do intend to bring into future builds. The older version of Unity, which Syrinscape was built-in didn’t allow for this but now that we have upgraded to the newer version of Unity it is something that should be possible


Any chance there is any plan to make it easy to get Syrinscape to stream into discord or through Roll20? I have been paying for your service for a year and have only used it 4/5 times because it is just so frustrating to get to work so everyone can hear it.

Hey anightgirl. I know it isn’t perfect but I have posted a number of videos recently on how to get syrinscape to play through discord. I realize it is some work, but its an option. Here is a link to one:

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Have you considered the Syrinscape Online Player, because one of the MOST useful features there is that each person can control their OWN volume, just like they want (even continuously) (sometimes turning it up) (sometimes turning it down) (or even completely off, without anyone else knowing).

It’s pretty good… we built it specifically for Online remote games.

Worth a try?

I didn’t know this was a thing. I will get this for my next campaign.