Syrinscape Online Player with Elgato Stream Deck

Help, I programed a key using the string I got from the Syrinscape website interface. I clicked on the mood and it said it copied the string. Then I pasted it into the Elgato key. Then this window popped up. What am I doing wrong?

Another thread said to "This should not be necessary since v1.4.6 (current version), in which we started bundle and install a URL scheme handler with the Syrinscape Online Player. install the latest Syrinscape Online Player on Windows, you should then be able to trigger syrinscape-online://* URLs (see the remote control links CSV download from the master interface hamburder menu) from anywhere without launching a browser or otherwise losing focus in your current app. "

I was reading older threads on this forums and someone mentioned that there is 3rd party apps for Syrinscape? I looked all over and cant find them. So I looked on YouTube and found this old video. Syrinscape does this differantly now. I DID do this step, got the copies link and added it to my Stream Desk key. I just got the error page I added earlier.

Quote/Anyone Using Stream Deck with Syrinscape?

I see in that video they added “/play” to the end of the link. I tried that too and nothing happened.

Ok, I have the following apps running
Syrinscape Fantasy Player
Syrinscape Online Player
Syrinscape Online Master Interface.

Everything works just fine. Im a super subscriber and can create all I want.
I decided to try the STOP macro by COPY the stop icon at the top of the Online MAster Interface screen and it worked. If I play a song in the Online Master Interface screen I can stop it. But if I play a song in the Fantasy Player. Nothing happens. No effect. So it seems that these links only work with the Online Master Interface screen.

But I am still unable to start a soundtrack.

I got it to work with only the Master Interface website open. I see there is two links to copy. Start and Stop. Super TINY icons. So I clicked the play version. Sure enough, in that string the /play command is in it. Its working now. Thanks to myself for figuring it out!

HI @stylinlp38 :slight_smile:

Yes, indeed, you can copy the Remote Control Play Link directly out of the Online Player Master UI, and set it to “Access in Background”. That will get you the fastest playback (as using the proxy will add about 0.5 seconds extra wait time).

You can also Right-Click on the OneShot art and save that and then use that for the Stream Deck button art if you like too!

As you say, though, it looks like you’ve got all that working yourself, anyway, before anyone else could help you out! :smiley: