Syrinscape Online Player not linking/loading

Same problem, player is blank, game starting now…dissappointing.

How/where to switch servers please?

On the far left, just under the SoundSet listing


So I’m on a Mac running 12.3.1 and my online player is just an unresponsive thunder/lightning background and the Master Interface is showing the “can’t hear anything?” banner.

I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling the player but it hasn’t helped. Any ETA on a fix?

Server 12 is working for me.

I guess this problem is still persisting? I updated last week and it worked fine now today boom it won’t connect…it shows im still linked and i’ve even linked and unlinked it won’t connect :frowning:

Im having the same problem, i cant log in and even listen to the audio. This has been going on for 3 days now and needs to be fixed. I own every sound set and cant even use it.

Thanks. Managed to find the server button and locate a server that was working for the rest of the game. First game since moving to paid subscription - added unnecessary stress to getting set up :frowning: hopefully just an isolated incident though! And now I know server button so can try that work around, if it does.

Hey all,

THANK YOU for your continued patience. We are getting closer to having these glitches resolved.

Rest assured the dev team is working very hard to resolve the issues. They are lovely people who will deserve many beers once this is fixed up (but not before) :smiley:

You can expect some more instability over the next week, but things are already a lot better and they will continue to gradually improve.

Take these steps when you experience trouble:

  1. let us know on
  2. try the new server button * (in the MasterUI near bottom left just above the art) (and then relaunch the Online Player) THEN let us know which server number was broken (via so we can check it out and restart if it hasn’t already restarted automatically
  3. refresh the Master UI
  4. it probably won’t help to log out/in
  5. it almost certainly won’t help to uninstall and reinstall the Online Player

Sorry for any games that have been soundless! Things will be back to smooth running sooooon. :slight_smile: :octopus: :bug: :hammer: :pizza: :beer:


This issue surprised me because I hadn’t been reading the forums, and it negatively affected my online game today, but I understand these sorts of things happen. However, I suggest that perhaps an email or communication be sent out to all those on the mailing list (at least subscribers!) when this level of trouble crops up. Giving a heads up on this would be a considerate gesture (my apologies if you did and I missed it). I didn’t realize how much I loved tying the various soundscapes to my scenes in a live game until I couldn’t.

Working again for me, on server 1.:slight_smile:Nicely done guys.

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I switched servers. That seemed to fix the problem (Server 12)

Mine just switches between s13 and 14, online player wont connect at all. Uh, this is pretty unacceptable if its been going on for 3 days?

EDIT: Spam refreshed until I got s8, and I’m in. Players are still having issues…

Y’all should really just take s13 and s14 down, they’re very dead.

Hey @dsoltyka,

Sorry about the hassles you had. :face_with_head_bandage:

Can you let me know. Did you restart the Online Player between each server switch? If not, that will help you next time (though we’ll probably nail these last few bugs pretty soon so hopefully there won’t be a next time). :slight_smile:

Yup, after I managed to snag s8 via the master interface, everyone restarted. However, they weren’t able to connect until they fully unlinked and relinked with a new player pin.

this is still an issue I keep getting server 9 or 11 and neither work

Had issues as well. Moved from 11 to 3 and started working. Not a great experience.

We did another deploy which MAY have finally fixed things, so definitely let us know here if you have any more probs everyone! :smiley:

And as always, THANKS for your patience!

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How exactly can you switch between servers? I saw the pic with the button, but clicking on it doesn’t let me pick a server

Clicking on the new server button should automatically give you a new server (regardless of what you do with the survey prompt that pops up). You may then need to restart the Online Player for the change to take effect there and continue your game.