Syrinscape Online player crash

Hi @evildmguy

ARe you saying on the Online Player or the Fantasy Player.

If you mean the Fantasy Player… note that on first startup there is LOTS of syncing up/art downloading etc that goes on, so you’ll get a big chunk of lag straight up… so that may be what you are experiencing, especially since you’ve mentioned that it is not replicable?




There are two parts. Every start up it takes a long time to get going. I find how long it takes to be unacceptable as it is minutes.

The second part is what I call a stutter, for lack of a better word, and take some time to change, stop, or recognize the mouse click. This is after it is up and running. This part will happen to me eventually but I don’t know how to replicate. It will happen eventually to me, though.

@evildmguy Wanna reach out on support at syrinscape dot com so I can ask you questions about your system and OS etc?

Done. I have sent an email to support and included my system specifications.
