Hi Folks
After watching the combined video with Lone Wolf on Youtube, I had to give Syrinscape a try. Within minutes of downloading the program, I purchased the Spooky & Kyra sets. A couple of hours later, I subscribed!
Which leads me into my first question: How do I easily see which sound sets I’ve purchased, as opposed to which ones I have access to via the back catalogue as a subscriber?
Last weekend, our group started book 6 of the Kingmaker adventure path: Sound of a Thousand Screams (SPOILERS AHEAD). Yesterday’s game started off against a band of ettins. So I queued up the Ettin Battle sound set & the group’s faces lit right up. They didn’t know what hit them!
I combined it with music from Warlords of Draenor & the drums, grunts & clanging metal was all over the room.
When the ettins were vanquished, I stopped the music & ran Farmland. I’d swear one of the guys swatted at a non-existent fly that kept buzzing in the speaker behind his head.
As we made our way into the Thousand Voices forest, the farmland drifted off into the Witchwood effects. Once again, no music. Just the sounds of the forest, rain and the occasional something lurking in the darkness.
And then we entered the First World realm of Thousandbreaths. Queue up Spooky. The cackling and evil laughter was perfect. It added the right amount of atmosphere. We were somewhere unnatural…
By that time it was 11pm and with an hour’s drive home, we had to pack it in there.
So during the game, I discovered a few things that could make things easier: Is it possible to add custom groupings to the left hand column? I’d like to be able to group certain sound sets together, so I don’t have to sort through all of the available sets under subscription to look for that 1 set. For example, I would have liked to have the Ettin Battle, Farmland, Witchwood & Spooky sets grouped together for easy access. I’d also like to add the PC sets together when they’re released.
I’d also like to be able to add certain effects to the panel on the bottom right of the screen (where the Ooooo, Gasp, Wilhelm scream one-shots are). This would be great for common use items like the laughter etc from Spooky & the spell effects from Kyra’s set.
So far, we love the program & it’s going to get plenty of use at our gaming table. And my daughter loves the burp button!
EDIT: Fixed a couple of typos.