Syrinscape Interfering with mic?

Ever since my normal meet up group has been playing online they complain about me cutting in and out when I talk as a DM. But not when I play. This has been going on for months. Finally in my last session, I noticed as I hosted the game my players could tell when I had the volume higher or lower on the Syrinscape Online Player. Not the master control, but the player I run so I can hear things myself.

Is Syrinscape somehow interfering with other outputs? I’m not sure how to troubleshoot this?

Hey @johnbagnoli

Is everyone using headphones?

No. I have some confirmation as when I use my laptop without headphones this does not occur. It seems relegated to my end.

Sooo… when you are using voice comunications, the software attempts all sorts of fancy echo cancelling and things to:
a) reduce environmental noise
b) stop voices going in a big loop loop loop loop
c) save on bandwidth

Because the voice software is NOT putting the Syrinscape soundtrack out into the world, it won’t know it exists, so it won’t know that it shouldn’t be cancelling that part of the audio spectrum.

Thus, you may well get some weird cancels, echos, drop outs etc.

The very simple way to fix this is for everyone to use headphones. This will make the whole experience more immersive too… and help everyone to hear each other.

Makes sense?

Let me know how you go. :slight_smile: :headphones:

I think you’re misunderstanding. The group hears everything fine, all the music and sounds, but not me. And I can actually control how well they hear me by changing the volume on my online player, not the master. I can shut down my online player and just play sounds for them and everything is fine. Except I cannot hear what I’m doing of course.

And but not me, I don’t mean I don’t hear the music, I do. I mean, my players cannot hear my voice.

Yeah, so the Online Player will happily deliver sound regardless… even if there is a break in internet connection from you to your players… the sound on THEIR computers will keep flowing (which is one of the really good things about the Online Player).

So SOMETHING is causing your computer to stop sending your voice via whatever chat thing you are using.

I do know, that chat things endevour to CANCEL noise (for the reasons listed above)… I suspect that your voicething is cancelling your voice when there is plently of noise in the room (ie Syrinscape playing loudly).

Does that make sense?

NOTE: DMing using the Master UI would be VERY UNLIKELY to make any difference to the operation of other software on your system = it is literally just like browsing on a web page…

Though… it does use a bit of up and down traffic (to show the nice spinners and amplitude feedback etc)… is your internet connection prone to being slow sometimes?

Have you tried controlling Syrinscape from a different device on a different network. Does that make a difference?

When I use my laptop (MacBook Pro) with the built in mic/camera this does not happen. It is on the same network. Yes, I doubt it is the Master UI because when I just use that, its fine. It is only when I use it with the Online Player going. Which of course I do to hear the sounds myself.

We’re using Teams to play FYI. The internet connection seems fine but that is a possibility.

I reckon you’ve just got to do some experimenting until you find a combo that works.


  1. wearing headphones
  2. Players wearing headphones
  3. different devices
  4. different networks
  5. different browsers.

OR the dropouts are JUST to do with Teams… and nothing to do with Syrinscape at all… I mean it is Teams that is failing to deliver the voice track…

But then there’d have to be a co-incidence with the Playing vs DMing thing… which is possible I suppose.

Let us know… We are all intrigued now! :smiley: