Syrinscape in teamspeak and Fantasy Grounds - FIXED

I am able to get syrinscape to work on teamspeak, but I can hear myself talk through the headset I use. Its coming from the syrinscape channel I set up. Anyone know how to fix this?


Check out the Syrinscape/Teamspeak page on the Fantasy Grounds Wiki (here) - I cover that issue and how to resolve it


Thanks Dulux_Oz! You do so much for everyone over at FG that I thought I’d give you a break on this on and see if someone else had an answer. Thanks for all you do for FG users!

You’re welcome - I’m just glad I can help out occasionally.

(Now, if I can just get someone outside the RPG-community to recognize my worth I might be able to spend some more time helping out others as well :smile: )

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Wow, yes!

Can we write you a review or a recommendation or something somehow?

Do you do LinkedIn?

Matthew James BLACK   M.Inf.Tech.(Data Comms)   MBA   B.Sc. When you want it done right ‒ the first time! View Matthew James BLACK's profile on LinkedIn

So let’s all help out @Dulux_Oz as much as we can.

Anyone an expert on LinkedIn and know how to give a person the best push there?!?

Facebooked: (can I verb Facebook?)

And Tweeted:

Other ideas peoples?!